[7 years ago today]
På herretoilettet på #KUA har nogen sørget for, at man ikke glemmer slaget ved #DybbølMølle
[In the men's room of #UCPH (#UniversityOfCopenhagen) South Campus, someone has made sure you don't forget the Battle of #Dybbøl]
(First posted 25 Aug. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#kua #dybbolmolle #ucph #universityofcopenhagen #dybbol #bestofmygrams
Mainio uutinen #UniversityofCopenhagen johtamalta tutkimusryhmältä. #Lupiini, proteiinipitoinen mutta karvaan makuinen hernekasvi, joka kasvaa ahkeraan myös Suomessa https://laji.fi/taxon/MX.38947 voidaan jalostaa makeaksi uusilla menetelmillä. Lupiinipohjainen #palkokasviproteiini olisi merkittävä lisä #kasviproteiini -palettiin.
#planetarydiet #plant #protein #food #ruoka #kasviproteiini #palkokasviproteiini #lupiini #universityofcopenhagen
New server new #introduction
I am an aspiring #biomolecular #archaeologist and PhD fellow at the #CenterForTextileResearch and the #GLOBE at #universityofcopenhagen.
Through #zooarchaeology #palaeoproteomics and #aDNA I
study #Scandinavian #vikingage #sheep husbandry and #wool production as part of the Textile Resources in Viking Age Landscapes-project (TRiVaL):
#introduction #biomolecular #archaeologist #CenterForTextileResearch #GLOBE #universityofcopenhagen #zooarchaeology #palaeoproteomics #adna #scandinavian #vikingage #sheep #wool
Just moved from another server so sending my #introduction again - I work at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, #universityofcopenhagen as Associate Professor and Curator of Botany - my research focuses on #plants #pollinators and their interactions using #fieldwork, #eDNA, #Genomics & #museomics - I curate the flowering plants in #herbarium C & the #botanicalgarden - also Lead #Curator for the #biodiversity gallery being created as part of the new #NHMDenmark.
#introduction #universityofcopenhagen #plants #pollinators #fieldwork #eDNA #Genomics #Museomics #Herbarium #BotanicalGarden #curator #biodiversity #NHMDenmark
This Wednesday Laura Cristina Viñas Caron will give a talk at the Center for Textile Research @ #universityofcopenhagen about her PhD in biomolecular analyses of historical parchment.
Zoom-link in the link below:
#introduction I am a PhD-fellow at #universityofcopenhagen. I am a biomolecular #archaeologist (of sorts) studying the relationship between #sheep husbandry and wool production in the Danish Viking Age through #zooarchaeology and #palaeoproteomics.
#introduction #universityofcopenhagen #archaeologist #Sheep #zooarchaeology #palaeoproteomics