A link between #children learning how to play a musical instrument and improved thinking in later life is backed by a new study.
#Musicians were found to do slightly better in tests of their #CognitiveAbility than those who had not played an instrument.
The study was carried out by the #UniversityOfEdinburgh and #EdinburghNapierUniversity.
#children #musicians #cognitiveability #universityofedinburgh #edinburghnapieruniversity #music
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Stability and asymptotic interactions of chiral magnetic skyrmions in a tilted magnetic field
Bruno Barton-Singer, Bernd J. Schroers
SciPost Phys. 15, 011 (2023)
#Heriot-Watt University
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #Heriot #MaxwellInstituteforMathematicalSciences #universityofedinburgh #EPSRC
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics #Lecture Notes
A non-lorentzian primer
Eric Bergshoeff, José Figueroa-O'Farrill, Joaquim Gomis
SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes 69 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #lecture #UG #universityofedinburgh #ub #MINECO
date: 2023-04-15 19:07:10
by: Kafayat Yusuf
University of Edinburgh is currently recruiting PhD students to work on machine learning.#PhD #MachineLearning #internationalstudents #UK #UniversityofEdinburgh
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1647315645866835973
#phd #machinelearning #internationalstudents #uk #universityofedinburgh #phdPosition
SciPost Physics @physics
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #physics
Lifshitz symmetry: Lie algebras, spacetimes and particles
José Figueroa-O'Farrill, Ross Grassie, Stefan Prohazka
SciPost Phys. 14, 035 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #universityofedinburgh #ESI #FNRS #LeverhulmeTrust
Hello Mastodon users. I'm making the move across. I am a #climate change researcher and teacher at the #UniversityofEdinburgh. Developing a suit of international #climatesolutions MOOCs. All posts reflect my own opinions. Look forward to seeing more quality content from you all.
#climate #universityofedinburgh #ClimateSolutions
And if you're in #Scotland, then you can attend the #booklaunch sooner at #UniversityofEdinburgh! Recap: Dr Ebtihal Mahadeen will be discussing her new book, Women and The Media in #Jordan: #Gender, Power, #Resistance. The event will be held at the Chrystal Macmillan Building tomorrow at 4 p.m., and looks at the dynamic between women and the #media, and labour, representation and #activism: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/women-and-the-media-in-jordan-book-launch-tickets-460130120577?aff=ebdsoporgprofile&fbclid=IwAR1SSMjwdXtyZO8rnh2ZqlW6-_NBj-6wA4w2zA3lYunZCxS1Hd_hFmgvJ3E #books #WANAstudies #genderstudies #genderED
#scotland #booklaunch #universityofedinburgh #jordan #gender #resistance #media #activism #Books #wanastudies #genderstudies #gendered
📚 Book launch! For folks in #Amman, Dr Ebtihal Mahadeen (#UniversityofEdinburgh) will be discussing her new book, Women and The Media in #Jordan: #Gender, Power, #Resistance. The event will be held at the #CBRL on Dec. 10 and looks at the dynamic between women and the #media, and labour, representation and #activism: https://cbrl.ac.uk/event/women-and-the-media-in-jordan-a-discussion-and-book-launch/?fbclid=IwAR0KsSeIE4Eczowbbkj2w7pRF8bn_-YM5bjDGiXDrZ0t8Y30Pm42lNK3qvY #books #booklaunch #WANAstudies #genderstudies
#amman #universityofedinburgh #jordan #gender #resistance #cbrl #media #activism #Books #booklaunch #wanastudies #genderstudies
A continuación, a list of hashtags to see if I get anywhere, anyone, any tips around here:
#FilmStudies #Cinema #Letterboxd #Español #Latino #Peru #Edinburgh #UniversityofEdinburgh #MastodonNewby and so on… 😜
#filmstudies #cinema #Letterboxd #espanol #latino #peru #edinburgh #universityofedinburgh #mastodonnewby
If an eminent paleontologist grew a #creativemoustache for #Movember2022, it might look like this…
#illustration #illustratemovember #movember #artistoninstagram #kidlitartist #novemberillustration #penandink #movemberfoundation #movemberuk #movemberusa #watercolour #ink #illustratorsonmastodon #dinosaur #brontosaurus #paleontology #paleontologist #universityofedinburgh #stevebrusatte #dinoart #sciart
#creativemoustache #movember2022 #illustration #illustratemovember #movember #artistoninstagram #kidlitartist #novemberillustration #penandink #movemberfoundation #movemberuk #movemberusa #watercolour #Ink #illustratorsonmastodon #dinosaur #brontosaurus #paleontology #paleontologist #universityofedinburgh #stevebrusatte #dinoart #sciart
Heya I'm Robyn, I'm an #anthropologist in #academia at the #universityofedinburgh interested in how we construct #madness and #psychosis and the transformative potential of #AlteredStates of consciousness and non-consensus reality.
I also write about these things, and sometimes post my #creativewriting too! My background is in #filmmaking and I'm currently interested in #ethnographic #film.
I look forward to connecting!
#introduction #anthropologist #academia #universityofedinburgh #madness #psychosis #alteredstates #creativewriting #filmmaking #ethnographic #film
Leprosy: Ancient #disease able to #regenerate organs
#Leprosy #bacteria may hold the secret to safely repairing and regenerating the body, researchers at the #UniversityOfEdinburgh say. #MedicalScience #Science
#bacteria #disease #regenerate #leprosy #universityofedinburgh #medicalscience #science
Dr Lucia Cervi is an academic researching "big tech" corporate responsibility, sustainability and ethics at Edinburgh University. You can follow at:
➡️ @louce
Cervi's university page is at https://www.business-school.ed.ac.uk/staff/lucia-cervi
#LuciaCervi #Academic #Academia #University #Universities #Research #Business #BusinessSchool #UniversityOfEdinburgh #BigTech #Sustainability #Ethics #Capitalism #Technology #Tech #Corporations
#corporations #tech #technology #capitalism #ethics #sustainability #bigtech #universityofedinburgh #businessschool #business #research #universities #University #academia #academic #LuciaCervi