Happening today at 12:30 GMT - hybrid #socialconnectedness #workshop at the #UniversityOfEssex with @hansijzerman, Veronica Lamarche, Philip Leifeld, The Neighbourly Lab and yours truly.
Free registration is still possible: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/social-connectedness-workshop-tickets-490473037057
#EssexPsychology #psychology #neuroscience #attachment #politicalscience #government
#Socialconnectedness #workshop #universityofessex #essexpsychology #psychology #neuroscience #attachment #politicalscience #government
Free Hybrid #Social Connectedness #Workshop
at the #UniversityofEssex (#Colchester),
12:00-15:30, 27.01.2023.
What is #socialconnectedness? How do we define and measure it? Come and hear scholars from #psychology and #politicalscience discuss their research in this field.
The #workshop is open to all interested in collaborating on best practices to advance our understanding of social connectedness.
With @hansijzerman and many more.
#social #workshop #universityofessex #colchester #Socialconnectedness #psychology #politicalscience
New server, new #hashtag #introduction!
#Imaginal Studies
#hashtag #introduction #depthpsychology #jung #hillman #academia #research #imaginal #subpersonalities #dreams #consciousness #dissociation #philosophyofpsychology #appliedethics #startrek #geek #gradschool #vegetarian #postrock #cats #universityofessex #eckerdcollege #covidsafe #savethebees