"Unprecedented #wildfires and reduced #snowmelt runoff" was the prompt for this illustration generated by #Midjourney
The prompt is a quote from the abstract for "Heterogenous Response to Forest Thinning from High Resolution Computer Modeling in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California" presented by Cluster member Gabe Lewis, based at the #UniversityOfNevadaReno in an online poster session at #AGU22 this afternoon.
#landmanagement #CriticalZone #AGU22 #universityofnevadareno #Midjourney #snowmelt #wildfires
Adrian Harpold, based at the #UniversityOfNevadaReno and member of the #BigDataCluster Southwest team, is the primary convener for this 90 minute #AGU2022 session packed with information about the #ForestCanopy and #SnowScience.
Spend Monday at #AGU22 in the #CriticalZone, add "Advances in Observation and Modeling of Seasonal Snow and Ecohydrological Processes in Forests and Cold Regions I" to your schedule.
#CriticalZone #AGU22 #snowscience #forestcanopy #agu2022 #bigdatacluster #universityofnevadareno
Cluster member Adrian Adam Harpold, based at the #UniversityOfNevadaReno, is the primary convener for this #AGU22 poster session. "Advances in Observation and Modeling of Seasonal Snow and Ecohydrological Processes in Forests and Cold Regions III" is a Monday afternoon must for #snow researchers.
📆 🔗 : https://bit.ly/CZNAGU22121207
#universityofnevadareno #agu22 #snow #CriticalZone #biogeochemistry #snowcover #agu2022
Cluster member Adrian Harpold based at the #UniversityOfNevadaReno is the primary convener for this Monday morning #AGU22 oral session. Includes papers about #snowpack measurement, #MachineLearning, and global mountain seasonal snow reanalysis.
#universityofnevadareno #agu22 #snowpack #machinelearning #CriticalZone #biogeochemistry