My colleagues at the Dept. of Archaeology, Conservation, and History organise a #DigitalHumanities day on Sep 14th, 2023, here in Oslo at #UniversityOfOslo. Check it out:
#DigitalHumanities #universityofoslo
New paper! 📢 How were emergency powers used during the #covid19pandemic by the #EU and EU Member States?
Christopher Lord, John Erik Fossum, and Arto Väisänen propose a framework for evaluating this multi-level emergency governance.
Read the full paper here:
#pandemicpolitics #emergencygovernance #crisisgovernance #executivedominance #europeanunion #horizoneu #horizoneurope #universityofoslo #regroup
#COVID19pandemic #eu #pandemicpolitics #emergencygovernance #crisisgovernance #executivedominance #EuropeanUnion #HorizonEU #horizoneurope #universityofoslo #REGROUP
I am beyond happy to start as an on-site digital research activities liaison and partnership between the University of Oslo library and the Dept. for Archeology, Conservation Studies and History. I will be available for any and all of the Depts. researchers' questions, ideas, data and methods troubles every Wednesday! #DigitalHistory at #UniversityOfOslo here we go! #DHOslo
#digitalhistory #universityofoslo #DHOslo
One of the good things about working with IT in the academic world is the amazing network of smart people out there who always takes a bit of time to share knowledge. It's almost like a utopia: people around the world sharing and helping each other.
The new year marks a new phase for #regroup: Work package 5 and 6 are kicking off here in January! These WPs will deliver an empirically-informed normative evaluation of the pandemic.
Read more on our website:
@pierotortola @BenLeruth @politicalscience
#regroup #pandemicpolitics #ARENA #universityofoslo #brexitinstitute #dcu
#REGROUP #pandemicpolitics #arena #universityofoslo #brexitinstitute #DCU
Hello, I am Jukka, Professor of #Law at #UniversityofOslo #UniversitetetiOslo and Professor of #CooperativeLaw at #UniversityofHelsinki. I am a local at Oslo and in Finland but have established an account also here (and must find how to combine my sites without destroying anything). I do mostly #companylaw #corporatelaw #corporatesustainability but also #accounting #auditing #finance. I shall post some of my recent stuff as a starter.
#law #universityofoslo #universitetetioslo #cooperativelaw #UniversityofHelsinki #companylaw #CorporateLaw #CorporateSustainability #accounting #auditing #finance