Reminder: on Friday, June, 23rd, the registration for the upcoming start of the German(!) speaking online study program for Geoinformatics - UNIGIS professional - ends. The online program starts with June, 30th. 🌞
You can find more info on the program (60 ECTS) and the registration on our website:
#geoinformatik #geoinformatics #gis #spatialanalysis #geodatabases #cartography #applicationdevelopment #geodata #spatialdata #onlinestudy #universityofsalzburg
#geoinformatik #geoinformatics #gis #spatialAnalysis #geodatabases #cartography #applicationdevelopment #geodata #spatialdata #onlinestudy #universityofsalzburg
The #CityNatureChallenge started this morning in #Salzburg, #Austria and we are already at more than 700 species despite the pouring rain!!! #biodiversity, #UniversityofSalzburg, #HausderNatur
#hausdernatur #universityofsalzburg #biodiversity #austria #salzburg #citynaturechallenge
Exploring the #biodiversity of #NationalparkSeewinkel in the east of #Austria with our MSc course Applied #Ecology and #NatureConservation. Finally, after a very dry winter, there is some water in the soda pans. #birds, #insects, #spiders, #plankton, #orchids and we are happy!
Study with us at #UniversityofSalzburg! MSc #Ecology and #Evolution:
#evolution #universityofsalzburg #orchids #plankton #spiders #insects #birds #natureconservation #ecology #austria #nationalparkseewinkel #biodiversity
You want to study #geoinformatics online? 🎓 We have summarised the 5 steps you need to follow to start your geoinformatics-career with #UNIGIS! 💻📥
💡 Note:
🇦🇹 German study program: You can apply until 27 Jan 2023 for the UNIGIS Professional (start: 27 Jan 2023) and until 15 Feb 2023 for the Master of Science (start: 23 Feb 2023).
#distancelearning #onlinestudy #geoinformation #gismaster #gisstudies #universityofsalzburg #zgis #qgis
#geoinformatics #unigis #distancelearning #onlinestudy #geoinformation #gismaster #gisstudies #universityofsalzburg #zgis #qgis