This place apparently sells fraternity/sorority branded tchotchkes to USC kids, which tbh is pretty far from what occurred to me the first time I saw it.
#LosAngeles #LA #USC #UniversityOfSouthernCalifornia #FigueroaStreet #GreekEscape
#losangeles #la #usc #universityofsoutherncalifornia #figueroastreet #greekescape
Discovery of antibiotic-resistant superbugs in #LosAngeles #California wastewater sparks worry
#Bacteria that are resistant to #colistin, a last-resort #antibiotic, have for the first time been detected in #LosAngelesCounty #wastewater, suggesting that the germs are circulating more widely in the community than previously thought, according to researchers at the #UniversityOfSouthernCalifornia.
#losangeles #california #bacteria #colistin #antibiotic #losangelescounty #wastewater #universityofsoutherncalifornia
NYT Architecture : Cautionary Climate Tales That Give People Pause When They Press Play #UniversityofSouthernCalifornia #schoolofcinematicarts #worldbuildingmedialab #joshuaashishdawson #experimentaldesign #Bangalore(India) #Doshi,Balkrishna #GlobalWarming #AnimatedFilms #PritzkerPrize #Architecture #alexmcdowell #LeCorbusier #Kahn,LouisI #Superstudio #archigram
#universityofsoutherncalifornia #schoolofcinematicarts #worldbuildingmedialab #joshuaashishdawson #experimentaldesign #bangalore #doshi #globalwarming #animatedfilms #pritzkerprize #architecture #alexmcdowell #lecorbusier #kahn #superstudio #archigram
University of
#usc #davidagus #plagiarism #losangeles #universityofsoutherncalifornia #trojans #fighton