Light The Tower.
Congratulations to 2023 Abel Prize Winner Luis Caffarelli of UT Austin!
Texas too much for Penn State in NCAA Tournament #NCAAMen'sBasketball #PennStateUniversity #DesMoinesRegional #UniversityofTexas #NationalSports #NcaaTournam...
#ncaamen #pennstateuniversity #desmoinesregional #universityoftexas #nationalsports #ncaatournam
I have a message for Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who doesn't want #white people to feel bad but is A-OK with keeping #Black people in misery: Go to Hell. Go directly to Hell. Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.
#whitesupremacist #texas #danpatrick #criticalracetheory #highereducation #CRT #antiracist #universityoftexas #race #whitesupremacy #systemicracism #unwarranteddefault #statusquo #generationaltrauma
#white #black #whitesupremacist #texas #danpatrick #criticalracetheory #highereducation #crt #antiracist #universityoftexas #race #whitesupremacy #systemicracism #unwarranteddefault #statusquo #generationaltrauma
It's about time the University of Texas fired their head basketball coach. Domestic violence cannot be tolerated. I'm sure the university was crossing their T's and dotting their I's but the delay in action was cringeworthy. #NCAAM #UniversityOfTexas #Longhorns #Basketball #Sports
#sports #basketball #longhorns #universityoftexas #ncaam
Guadalupe Street aka "The Drag" in front of the University of Texas in Austin, 1927. Back when streetcars were still cool. It's probably impractical, but I wouldn't mind seeing them return.
Courtesy the Austin History Center via the Portal to Texas History. Many more glorious photos of Austin here:
#austin #austinhistory #austintexas #texas #texashistory #universityoftexas
#austin #austinhistory #austintexas #texas #texashistory #universityoftexas