One of the most beautiful universities in th US, designed by Thomas Jefferson, the Rotunda photographed at night with deep shadows.
More art here:
#uva #universityofvirginia #thomasjefferson #virginia #architecture #AYearForArt
#uva #universityofvirginia #thomasjefferson #virginia #architecture #ayearforart
by #SydneyShuler in #TheDailyProgress:
"The University of Virginia already tracks the gender and race of its students, but some of the newest members on the school’s governing body want to know why it isn’t tracking their religious and political affiliations as well."
#UniversityOfVirginia #UVa #PoliticalAffiliation #DEI #DiversityEquityInclusion #surveillance #FreedomOfSpeech #FirstAmendment #1stAmendment
#sydneyshuler #thedailyprogress #universityofvirginia #uva #politicalaffiliation #dei #DiversityEquityInclusion #surveillance #freedomofspeech #firstamendment #1stamendment
NYT Architecture : Radical Rethinking at the Venice Architecture Biennale #VeniceArchitectureBiennale #WasteMaterialsandDisposal #Coronavirus(2019-nCoV) #ForensicArchitecture #UniversityofVirginia #SustainableLiving #IndigenousPeople #GlobalWarming #Venice(Italy) #Architecture #Art
#venicearchitecturebiennale #wastematerialsanddisposal #coronavirus #forensicarchitecture #universityofvirginia #sustainableliving #indigenouspeople #globalwarming #venice #architecture #art
The final product has now been posted for the U.Va. School of Architecture class taught by Jonah Coe-Scharff working to visualize how more flexible zoning code may enable better and more interesting design. It's worth looking through for the amazing visuals alone. #urbanism #zoning #universityofvirginia #charlottesville #cvilleplanstogether #cville #design
#urbanism #zoning #universityofvirginia #charlottesville #cvilleplanstogether #cville #design
Es gab am 13. November wieder ein Massaker in den #USA. Dieses Mal traf es die #UniversityOfVirginia.
Das klingt jetzt böse von mir, soll es aber nicht sein: Ich kann es nicht mehr hören!
Ständig & immer wieder kommt es zu solchen Ereignissen - gerade und vor allem in den USA.
Ständig & immer wieder kommt es zu einem Aufschrei danach.
Ständig & immer wieder kommt es dazu, d. dann doch d. Befürworter der #Waffen - vom einfachen Bürger über ranghohe Politiker bis hin zur #NRA sich durchsetzen.
#nra #Waffen #universityofvirginia #USA
There has been another mass shooting - this time at #UniversityofVirginia, and I am reminded of this great research on how the media covers these events.
In short, the media focuses disproportionately on the perpetrators and not the victims.
#universityofvirginia #socialscience
There has been another mass shooting - this time at #UniversityofVirginia, and I am reminded of this great research on how the media covers these events.
In short, the media focuses disproportionately on the perpetrators and not the victims.
#universityofvirginia #socialscience
Another day, another school shooting.
USA, when oh when will you ever learn?
#massshooting #universityofvirginia
#StudentGunman Is at Large After Killing 3 at #UniversityOfVirginia, Police Say
People on the university’s campus in #Charlottesville, Va., were ordered to shelter in place. Two people were also wounded in the shooting.
#SchoolShooting #GunControl
#studentgunman #universityofvirginia #charlottesville #schoolshooting #guncontrol
Five Ways Mindfulness Can Help You Through The Coronavirus Outbreak #mindfulness #happiness #universityofvirginia
#mindfulness #happiness #universityofvirginia