Wall Street Journal ranks FIU No. 4 best public university, No. 29 overall.
#HigherEducation #UniversityRankings #PawsUpFIU
#highereducation #universityrankings #pawsupfiu
UBC jumps to 34th in QS World University Rankings 2024: https://bit.ly/430ta5H
#qswur #universityrankings #highered
FIU has been ranked among the top universities worldwide for impact by Times Higher Education.
Read more about it: https://news.fiu.edu/2023/fiu-ranked-among-top-universities-in-the-world-for-impact-by-times-higher-education #higheredrankings #universityrankings #Florida #Miami
#higheredrankings #universityrankings #florida #miami
Are university rankings true, fair, or helpful? For @lizziegadd , it is time for the higher education sector to think carefully about the effects of global university rankings. To explain why, she responds to these three questions.
Read her #EUAExpertVoices article here https://eua.eu/resources/expert-voices/307-are-university-rankings-true,-fair,-or-helpful.html?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social-mastodon-26-05-2023
#university #rankings #universityrankings #ResearchAssessment #CoARA @INORMS_REG
#euaexpertvoices #university #rankings #universityrankings #researchassessment #CoARA
"The university says it does not want to take part in something that is scientifically dubious and anti-transformation"
#universityrankings #universitywankings #highereducation
The impact of #universityrankings on policy and individuals by Elizabeth Gadd - scary stuff...
In particular the fact that unaccountable third parties have this kind of power.
#universityrankings #eua2023annualconf #highered #AcademicMastdon
RT @wisereveryday
University rankings provide useless answers to the wrong question. The question students should be asking is not which university is "best" but which one is best for them.
#highered #universities# #universityrankings
#highered #universities #universityrankings
Universities with high research visibility often see a corresponding boost in their rankings. By making research easily accessible and promoting it to a wider audience.... #researchvisibility #universityrankings #ChatGPT https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.21926079.v1
#researchvisibility #universityrankings #chatgpt
Three Iranian universities are among the world’s top for graduate employability
#researchtools #researchimpact #researchvisibility #openaccess #rankings #universityrankings
#researchtools #researchimpact #researchvisibility #openaccess #rankings #universityrankings
"Harnessing the Metric Tide: indicators, infrastructures & priorities for responsible research assessment" by S. Curry, E. Gadd, and J. Wilsdon is out today.
Institutions and stakeholders should participate to implement RRA practices. I.e. the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment, which builds on DORA, Leiden Manifesto, Metric Tide, INORMS a.o.
#universityrankings #Scientometrics #ResearchImpact #altmetrics #bibliometrics #ResearchAssessment #metrics
"Harnessing the Metric Tide: indicators, infrastructures & priorities for responsible research assessment" by S. Curry, E. Gadd, and J. Wilsdon is out today.
Institutions and stakeholders should participate to implement RRA practices. I.e. the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment, which builds on DORA, Leiden Manifesto, Metric Tide, INORMS a.o.
#universityrankings #Scientometrics #ResearchImpact #altmetrics #bibliometrics #ResearchAssessment #metrics
Arab University Rankings 2022: results announced
#researchtools #researchimpact #researchvisibility #rankings #universityrankings
#Bibliometric #openaccess
#researchtools #researchimpact #researchvisibility #rankings #universityrankings #bibliometric #openaccess
Arab University Rankings are out now.
#researchtools #researchimpact #researchvisibility #openaccess #rankings #universityrankings
#researchtools #researchimpact #researchvisibility #openaccess #rankings #universityrankings
Two Iranian universities among top 100 Asian institutions
#researchtools #researchimpact #researchvisibility #rankings #universityrankings
#Bibliometric #openaccess
#researchtools #researchimpact #researchvisibility #rankings #universityrankings #bibliometric #openaccess
Good move -> Yale and Harvard Law Schools Withdraw From the U.S. News Rankings. Citing flaws in the way the ratings are determined, the schools said they will stop participating, breaking away from the #rankings industry.
#rankings #universityrankings #schoolrankings
Got this ingenious email from Times Higher Education where they highlight, with self-critical metaphor, irony and wit, how competition for university rankings puts us under pressure from all sides and effectively reduces our freedom to operate in the most meaningful ways. #THE #universityrankings #canyoufeelthepressure
#the #universityrankings #canyoufeelthepressure
something something university #rankings something something 🙊
#rankings #academia #universityrankings