Nice conversation between my St Andrews colleague Shuvatri Dasgupta and Mytheli Sreenivas on the Journal of the History of Ideas blog: "Reproduction: A Global Intellectual History—An Interview with Mytheli Sreenivas"
See also Mytheli Sreenivas open access book: Reproductive Politics and the Making of Modern India
#histodons #univstandrewshist #UnivStAndrews
Interested (or know someone who is interested) in doing a #PhD in #History at #UnivStAndrewsHist ?
Applications welcome at any time of year, but this year's deadline for those applying for funded studentships (e.g. AHRC via Scottish Graduate School) is December 8.
First step: contact a potential supervisor to express interest! #histodons
#histodons #univstandrewshist #history #phd
The Institute for Transnational & Spatial History at the University of St Andrews in Scotland is delighted to join the #fediverse and Mastodon. Find us online at:
and see our #OpenAccess "A Guide to Spatial History: Areas, Aspects, and Avenues of Research"
and our recent Routledge volume
Doing Spatial History
You can see some of our events for this semester and over the past few years here, some of which we hold online:
#UnivStAndrewsHist #UnivStAndrews #histodons #SpatialHistory #TransnationalHistory
#transnationalhistory #spatialhistory #histodons #UnivStAndrews #univstandrewshist #openaccess #fediverse
The Institute for Transnational & Spatial History at the University of St Andrews in Scotland is delighted to join the #fediverse and Mastodon. Find us online at:
and see our #OpenAccess "A Guide to Spatial History: Areas, Aspects, and Avenues of Research"
and our recent Routledge volume
Doing Spatial History
You can see some of our events for this semester and over the past few years here, some of which we hold online:
#UnivStAndrewsHist #UnivStAndrews #histodons #SpatialHistory #TransnationalHistory
#fediverse #openaccess #univstandrewshist #UnivStAndrews #histodons #spatialhistory #transnationalhistory
Very nice to see my #UnivStAndrewsHist colleague Justine Firnhaber-Baker @mediaevalrevolt here on Mastodon! Her most recent book is "The Jacquerie of 1358: A French Peasants' Revolt" (2021) #histodons
JOB #histodons One day left for applications for postdoc in #UnivStAndrewsHist
Research Fellow with expertise in the history of 20th century dictatorship in Africa, Latin America or the Caribbean, to work with Professor Kate Ferris as part of the ERC funded project entitled ‘Dictatorship as Experience: A comparative history of everyday life and the 'lived experience' of dictatorship in Mediterranean Europe, 1922-1975'.
Event in #StAndrews, 14 November, 5:30pm
Andrew Lang Memorial Lecture, by Dr Catriona M.M. Macdonald, Reader in Late Modern Scottish History at the University of Glasgow.
Her subject is ‘Redeeming the London Scot: Andrew Lang and the Cosmopolitan Condition’. #histodons #UnivStAndrewsHist
#univstandrewshist #histodons #standrews