Venha me assistir desbravando o mar e colonizando as terras da vila que se chamará Baixa da Égua. Será que vou conseguir conquistar todo o território antes da concorrência? Será que eu vou fazer uma boa administração pública e terminar com o público sem nenhum saldo negativo no cofre público?
Hashtags: #UnknownHorizons #Gameplay #Facecam #CityBuilder #SoftwareLivre @lunovox #LunoGamePlays #T08C01
#gameplay #citybuilder #unknownhorizons #facecam #softwarelivre #LunoGamePlays #T08C01
Feels nice to finally return some technical debt. Shamefully, I have some #FreeBSD bugs assigned to me since 2017, but I'm finally at squishing them.
The biggest one is #OpenSceneGraph port update which I'm going to commit tomorrow, another is #UnknownHorizons update to 2019.1 which also requires #fifengine and other dependencies update (pending maintainer feedback/timeout).
After these, only 3 ancient bugs left!
#OpenSceneGraph #unknownhorizons #fifengine #freebsd Reminder that the #godot port of #UnknownHorizons is looking for developers. The engine it's currently based on is more or less dead. #freegaming
#freegaming #unknownhorizons #godot
#UnknownHorizons is looking to switch engines to #Godot. The team is looking for a #GodotEngine developer. #FreeGaming
#freegaming #godotengine #godot #unknownhorizons