In #MYPoli news, filed under, "get a load of this guy", please enjoy the unbelievable achievement of Howard Lee, MP for Ipoh* Timur in the following interview where he managed to look like an even bigger tool than BSL:
Please also enjoy how the accent contributed to the whole effect. You can't do wanker without sounding like you're from within M25 boundaries i guess.
* Ipoh once again for the win (of some kind)
#Malaysia #Fedijaya #MYToots #TootSEA #politics #RambutSamaHitamHatiLain2 #UnlessYoureInPolitics #ThenSemuaRightWing #PantunHabisKerja
#MYPoli #malaysia #Fedijaya #MYToots #tootsea #politics #rambutsamahitamhatilain2 #unlessyoureinpolitics #thensemuarightwing #pantunhabiskerja