DT, 1st 肖像画 Soot Unmask | MRlastsoul 仕事安全 #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/109132392
#少女 #unmask #Bad_Dream #fever_dream #nightmare_fuel #scary #very_scary #Demon #Demonic #ホラー #horror #goth #gothic #[米国の少女] #1930s #1930年代 #Designed_to_Unnerve_You #Unnerving #lovecraftian #女の子 #ロリ #Rori #Masterful #Soulful
#soulful #masterful #rori #ロリ #女の子 #lovecraftian #unnerving #Designed_to_Unnerve_You #1930年代 #1930s #gothic #goth #horror #ホラー #demonic #demon #Very_Scary #scary #nightmare_fuel #fever_dream #bad_dream #unmask #少女 #pixiv
DT, 1st 肖像画 Soot Unmask | MRlastsoul 仕事安全 #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/109132392
#少女 #unmask #Bad_Dream #fever_dream #nightmare_fuel #scary #very_scary #Demon #Demonic #ホラー #horror #goth #gothic #[米国の少女] #1930s #1930年代 #Designed_to_Unnerve_You #Unnerving #lovecraftian #女の子 #ロリ #Rori #Masterful #Soulful
#soulful #masterful #rori #ロリ #女の子 #lovecraftian #unnerving #Designed_to_Unnerve_You #1930年代 #1930s #gothic #goth #horror #ホラー #demonic #demon #Very_Scary #scary #nightmare_fuel #fever_dream #bad_dream #unmask #少女 #pixiv
For my subscribers on ko-fi, an upcoming article about how my #cancer made me #unmask both my #queerness and my #autism:
#cancer #unmask #queerness #autism #queer #lgbtq #lgbtqia
#Unmask our children’: Parents demand end to school #mask-mandates “Children – and their parents – have shouldered an outsize burden long enough.” https://persecution-live.org/2023/04/22/unmask-our-children-parents-demand-end-to-school-mask-mandates-children-and-their-parents-have-shouldered-an-outsize-burden-long-enough/
As I continue to #unmask during #Autism Awareness Month, I’ve been adjusting my various online profiles to raise awareness that I’m #Autistic. I’m curious whether others see this as useful. Or if you have done it, have you observed any effect on your interactions or success with folks online?
#AutismAwarenessMonth #ActuallyAutistic #Sctuff #GROWLr #Grindr #BiggerCity #Recon #FetLife @actuallyautistic
#unmask #autism #autistic #autismawarenessmonth #actuallyautistic #sctuff #growlr #grindr #biggercity #recon #fetlife
Been seeking community and connection. I’m emerging from a dark period of the last few months, triggered by setbacks for my son at school. We’re on an upswing and better path now. I hope that it isn’t disrupted. I need it not to be. I’m learning that I need to #unmask more with school staff and clearly communicate the harm this BS causes. It’s too easy for them to gloss over and ignore. I simply won’t weather it any more. #ActuallyAutistic #ParentingWhileAutistic #AutisticAF #AutisticParenting
#unmask #actuallyautistic #parentingwhileautistic #autisticaf #autisticparenting
Watched #InsideOurAutisticMinds.
I related to Flo so bloody hard.
I don’t often cry at things I watch but her film made me cry. I wish I could #unmask in front of my Mum. I’m only just barely learning to unmask in front of my husband.
#insideourautisticminds #unmask
I normally don't share much, let alone personal stuff, on the internet... but I feel both my life and being shifting for the best, and I'm proud of myself for fighting through the hardships.
I wake up at 5:30, leave at 7:00 in the morning and get back home at 19:00. And repeat.
My #neurospicy brain now gets to #hyperfocus on #basketmaking and #learning. I'm allowed to #unmask and be myself around people who've never seen me #masking anyway.
I've found my calling. I'm hopeful. I'm blessed.
#neurospicy #hyperfocus #basketmaking #learning #unmask #masking
#AutismAdventCalendar #DaySeven
Wednesday 7th (sorry for the delay folks)
Do you often notice yourself masking your autistic symptoms as a way to fit in, almost subconsciously? When you do it, it can be really draining, so it is important to take breaks for masking. I recommend this every day, but especially today!
#autism #adhd #unmask #AdventCalendar #Christmas #Festive
#autismadventcalendar #dayseven #autism #adhd #unmask #adventcalendar #christmas #festive
@dyinglikeastar @peppernut I get to experience #autistictoautistic communication daily with my son. It can be frustrating for both of us, at times, but it’s also blissful too. He unwittingly helped me to discover my #autism and helps me #unmask as well. He similarly benefits from being in a #nonpublicschool with other #neurodivergent kids. It’s given him a #perspective on himself he’d never get from #gened. #actuallyautistic @actuallyautistic
#autistictoautistic #autism #unmask #nonpublicschool #neurodivergent #perspective #gened #actuallyautistic
#Memes #EnoughIsEnough #JustSayNo #Together #HoldTheLine #DoNotComply #Resist #TheGreatResist #Freedom #NoVaccinePassports #COVID #Scamdemic #Unmask #NurembergTrialsForCovid #Nuremberg2 #WakeUp
#justsayno #together #memes #enoughisenough #donotcomply #resist #thegreatresist #scamdemic #unmask #holdtheline #freedom #NOVaccinePassports #COVID #NurembergTrialsForCovid #Nuremberg2 #wakeup
Even when I am with someone like my friend Kenneth who encourages me to be myself and #unmask, after he leaves and the euphoria wears off, I still feel a bit of that shame. It is a small comfort to know that most people, including him, rarely think of me. I think of other people all the time. 5/13
Even when I am with someone like my friend Kenneth who encourages me to be myself and #unmask, after he leaves and the euphoria wears off, I still feel a bit of that shame. It is a small comfort to know that most people, including him, rarely think of me. I think of other people all the time. 5/13
#Memes #EnoughIsEnough #JustSayNo #Together #HoldTheLine #DoNotComply #Resist #TheGreatResist #Freedom #NoVaccinePassports #COVID #Scamdemic #Unmask #NurembergTrialsForCovid #Nuremberg2 #WakeUp
#enoughisenough #justsayno #unmask #Nuremberg2 #resist #thegreatresist #memes #together #holdtheline #donotcomply #freedom #NOVaccinePassports #COVID #scamdemic #NurembergTrialsForCovid #wakeup
(Redraft on #MetaText and hashtagged intro from a few days ago)
Love this server! Looking forward to socials as a #TwitterQuitter.
I am self-dx #Autistic, with #cPTSD, #ADHD, and #OCD. Local providers are reluctant to officially diagnose me bc I’ve defaulted to masking after over 40 years of struggling to fit into neuro normative circles. So, to them, I’m #GAD and #MDD from the childhood SA. Maybe that’s true, but I find it easier to relate with #autists than anyone else. I’m learning to #unmask, but it’s a process bc my tendency at this stage of my life is to roll my eyes and disengage when I’m misunderstood rather than throw a tantrum like I used to in my younger years. 💜💚
#MetaText #TwitterQuitter #Autistic #CPTSD #adhd #OCD #gad #mdd #autists #unmask
New instance, new intro
Recovering from #burnout has so far involved quitting my school librarian job, changing careers (now a professional #gardener), moving to a new house in the woods in a different county, and most importantly learning to #unmask
#AuDHD (formal ADHD dx, self dx Au)
Life makes me sleepy but I'm trying to wake up.
#introduction #burnout #gardener #unmask #AuDHD
One of the things I hope I can do here is start to #unmask. Still completely unsure what it means to do that but I want to give it a try. #actuallyautistic
One of the things I hope I can do here is start to #unmask. Still completely unsure what it means to do that but I want to give it a try. #actuallyautistic
One of the things I hope I can do here is start to #unmask. Still completely unsure what it means to do that but I want to give it a try. #actuallyautistic