News18 India · @News18India
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Activists and academics working closely with the scheme said the sharp rise in demand is contrary to what the Centre had stated earlier this year on drop in demand due to the economy bouncing back to normal post-pandemic

#unmet #april #june #unemployment #ruralareas

Last updated 1 year ago

Manni_P :mastolove: · @Lost_Paradise
119 followers · 2375 posts · Server

Welches tiefere Wissen habt ihr eigentlich von eurem eigenen Denkapparat und seiner Komplexität?

{... The problem with both of these reports is that the brain is not the problem; it’s what’s deep within the brain that’s the problem – the of . But why don’t these researchers see this?

The answer is that you have to feel it to see it, and they don’t feel it. ...} bessere Argumente

#CRISPR_rEvolution #need #unmet #pain #cannabis #WeedMob #feeling

Last updated 2 years ago