I've found myself in lots of discussions lately around what to do now that #XamarinForms has a hard EOL deadline. Curious to know: what is the broader #MobileDev community using for writing #iOS and #Android apps?
There are tons of choices, so I'm interested to know what your teams are using and why (especially if you picked "other").
Boosts appreciated! 🚀
#SoftwareDevelopment #MobileDevelopment #MAUI #ReactNative #Flutter #FlutterDev #Xamarin #Kotlin #Swift #UnoPlatform #AvaloniaUI #dotnet
#xamarinforms #mobiledev #ios #android #softwaredevelopment #mobiledevelopment #maui #reactnative #flutter #flutterdev #xamarin #kotlin #swift #unoplatform #avaloniaui #dotnet