In view of the global #polycrisis, reforming the #UnitedNations and #globalgovernance were the subjects at events in Brussels, Berlin, Madrid & Rennes in Europe as well as in Lucknow, India, in the past weeks. The creation of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly #UNPA as a tool to promote #democracy, #globalcitizenship as well as a stronger and more inclusive UN was touched on frequently. Read our report here:
#Polycrisis #unitednations #globalgovernance #unpa #democracy #globalcitizenship
In view of the global #polycrisis, reforming the #UnitedNations and #globalgovernance were the subjects at events in Brussels, Berlin, Madrid & Rennes in Europe as well as in Lucknow, India, in the past weeks. The creation of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly #UNPA as a tool to promote #democracy, #globalcitizenship as well as a stronger and more inclusive UN was touched on frequently. Read our report here:
#Polycrisis #unitednations #globalgovernance #unpa #democracy #globalcitizenship
@KlausGerdGiesen would love to see a democratic #un parliamentary assembly being part of every reform proposal by everyone from now on đ
take a look at the proposals of â #unpa
RĂ©solution du comitĂ© directeur de la section française de lâUnion des FĂ©dĂ©ralistes EuropĂ©ens (UEF) du 29 mars 2020 pour la crĂ©ation dâune assemblĂ©e parlementaire des Nations Unies et dâune initiative citoyenne mondiale. #ONU #UNPA #WorldDemocracy