If you want something that does this across browsers without feeding details of what you're reading to Google, check out https://openaccessbutton.org/ or https://unpaywall.org/ (slightly different use cases)
Hmm, looks like none of the current #OAbutton or #unpaywall teams are here on fedi. Pinging @researchremix and @ethanwhite
I guess the article is OA for anyone aware of the direct URL [1] but paywalled for people who navigate from the Nature home page. #Unpaywall is definitely very useful here.
In fact, the DOI - absent from the image - 10.1038/356739a0 - contains the info needed for the OA URL.
A public service reminder.
If your privilege doesn't include working for a chumpish institution brainlessly subsidizing science-as-ransomware, scientific reports published in journals operated by for-profit publishers bearing fatally conflicted objectives are often still available via #Unpaywall.
A browser plugin exposes instant (and legal) access to many hostage articles. Easy to install and it doesn't come with any devious business plans.
Squeezing in just _one_ more post today!
From 60 journals, this week's Skeptical Science New Research feature distills 121 climate-related research reports by 834 contributing authors into one handy list of links-- with identification of #OpenAccess articles thanks to #unpaywall.
Highlights include SLR adaptation planning gaps, eye-popping stats on material requirements for vehicle electrification, ethical dilemmas of successful coal phase-out.
#Climateresearch #unpaywall #openaccess
I take the opportunity to advertise #unpaywall, which will already tell you whether there is a freely accessible version somewhere.
How #Unpaywall is transforming open #science https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-05968-3
#TIL about #UnPaywall:
"An open database of 46,853,993 free scholarly articles.
We harvest Open Access content from over 50,000 publishers and repositories, and make it easy to find, track, and use."
#til #unpaywall #research #peerreviewed #AcademicJournals #openaccess
70/134 articles in this week's @SkepicalScience new research feature are #OpenAccessScience.
There will be a few sneakers missed by #Unpaywall, so maybe even better?
Progress in fits and starts.
@habibmhenni Needs to be done automatically with #Unpaywall data for academic papers at least.
Working on integrating #OpenAlex with @SkepticalScience weekly research listing, starting with scan API reference, ponder, iterate. Dot-dot-dot.
OpenAlex is going to be a both a problem solver and a problem creator, because it opens a horizon of possibilities.
It's such shame that days don't become longer in positive correlation with abounding options.
(OpenAlex is a cousin or sibling of #Unpaywall, another model of virtue.)
#bibliographicsuperpowers #bibliography #unpaywall #OpenAlex
#FreeSoftware #SoftwareLibero #Nextcloud #Jitsi #Firefox #email #JavaScript #FOSDEM #Thunderbird #RSS #Wordpress #Replicant #interoperability #FSFE #FLOSS #LimeSurvey #Linux #GPL #Mozilla #Debian
#OpenAccess #OpenScience #Elsevier #Zenodo #publishers #OpenRepositories #ORCID #OA #PACER #RECAP #Unpaywall #GreenOA #DOI #ScholComm #PDF #Invenio #AccessoAperto #ScienzaAperta #preprint
#freesoftware #softwarelibero #nextcloud #jitsi #firefox #email #javascript #fosdem #thunderbird #rss #wordpress #replicant #interoperability #fsfe #floss #limesurvey #linux #gpl #mozilla #debian #openaccess #openscience #elsevier #zenodo #publishers #openrepositories #orcid #oa #pacer #recap #unpaywall #greenOA #doi #scholcomm #pdf #invenio #accessoaperto #scienzaaperta #preprint
@vform Oh nice, is this a @disseminOA clone? Good usage of #Unpaywall.
I'm trying to keep track of such #MediatedDeposit tools for #GreenOA at https://gitlab.com/dissemin/dissemin/-/issues/797#note_1230944320
#unpaywall #mediateddeposit #greenOA #openaccess
@emkmiller @academicchatter @academicsunite
I'm now using #doi2bib which converts a #DOI to a bibtex file automatically. I've written my bash script that stores the result + the last PDF in Download folder, all bound to one keystroke. Next step will be to have #Unpaywall download the PDF rather than do it manually ;)
@EleonoraDagiene Eheh! :) #Unpaywall already found the connection but I believe arxiv lets you add the publisher's DOI too. (And upload the AAM maybe?)
#Harvesting publication data to the institutional repository from #Scopus, #WebOfScience, #Dimensions and #Unpaywall using a custom R Script
#InstitutionalRepositories #OpenAccess #ContentHarvesting #Metadata #WorkflowAutomation #IR #GreenOA #WOS
#harvesting #scopus #webofscience #dimensions #unpaywall #institutionalrepositories #openaccess #contentharvesting #metadata #workflowautomation #ir #greenoa #wos
That's great. One limitation is that often #preprint and paper are separate, and sometimes I only reach a paper with its #DOI. As they write in help page, " This is a new service. Metadata is being improved and features have not been finalized"
Once it is, I think #unpaywall plugin should provide a link to them: it'd be so useful to know what versions are available and if an arXiv version is a pre-print or is likely to be the post-print.
@natematias @NeilLewisJr This is super interesting to me -- I searched using #LibKey, which builds off #unpaywall's data using DOI, as well as oa.works, but neither found the OSF version. Frankly (and embarrassingly), it took me a while to find the project on OSF since I didn't know how to do an advanced search. Maybe it takes these systems more than a day since publication to make the links. Anyway, from what I've seen so far, great work and congrats to you. :)
@katethornhill Nice! Can we get a link to the #Unpaywall extension from https://library.uoregon.edu/relx_deal ? Or better yet, get IT to install by default on everyone's browser. :)
@smart314 Thank you for helping make #crossref go. We (Skeptical Science) publish a weekly compendium of academic research focused on anthropogenic climate change, employing #unpaywall plus crossref to automate construction of article listings, including callouts for #openaccess papers. This weekly item would be impossible in its present form without the crossref API. A sample of the fruit of your work is here: https://skepticalscience.com/new_research_2022_44.html
#openaccess #unpaywall #CrossRef
As a student, I've struggled to find scholarly sources on occasion. Access to these articles can often be behind an additional paywall, or not accessible through the school provided resources. This opensource database is a fantastic resource that I felt I had to share.
#scholar #unpaywall #knowledgewantstobefree