We see Tor and I2P as a shining beacon. Yes they exist in the darkness but thats what a lighthouse does, they illuminate dark spaces.

We know people using the to publish great stuff for their and business etc. We believe that more individuals need to do this.

We might even claw back a Web Of Trust in the process.

#unpermissionedInternet #artform

Last updated 4 years ago

You are exactly right.

In today's so-called modernAge we are unable to make contact with people over basic email, we have had to move all operations the , ie. and , for .

Its not perfect but as more people make the switch we believe it will much easier.

We are looking forward to when entire legitimate businesses turn against the and switchOver to the . :)

@leodurruti @disroot

#unpermissionedInternet #tor #i2p #communication #legacyInternet #newInternet

Last updated 4 years ago