Google has great . If you try to find episodes of , YouTube serves you 'Redacted'/#RedactedNews, a program that is attempting to imitate the look of 's Tonight show.

Many other great voices have also been suppressed and unpersoned over the years.

Use I2P and/or Fediverse to share content, not Google.

#unpersoned #journalists #RedactedTonight #LeeCamp #ScrewTube #youtube #google

Last updated 2 years ago

BTW the name of that prophetic, , UN Weapons Inspector is .

Scott Ritter banned from ,
For dumping forced news down the shitter,
Fake news on the TV set,
The day - the true - it died.

So bye bye, misinfomational pie,
Brought my activity to Fedi,
But here are shy,

The good previously male,
Are serving shitposts so dry,
Singing this'll be the day the kill us all,
This'll be the day that I die.

#unpersoned #ScottRitter #twitter #anarchists #ultrasonicWeapons #fediLyrics #skit #gottaLaughAtThisCrap

Last updated 3 years ago

Monopoly is all fine and dandy until decide its not. They break systems when it suits them and they are prepared.

The rise in massSurveillance and authoritarianism over past decades has not helped us.

It gets worse when we are not allowed to suggest alternatives to monopoly without being .


@ademan @lain

#monopolists #unpersoned #oligarchy

Last updated 3 years ago

The trope pushed by and the 'ers is "destroys the ". The reverse has been true, but they repeat enough and don't get .

China blocked dirty fuels for mining last year. Its 40-70% and is a valuable by-product for many a , for — even prep!

Bitcoin is not for , it's . Use it every few years to balance books, look at for smaller payments.

#legacymedia #mmt #bitcoin #environment #unpersoned #renewables #heat #bitcoinMiner #spaceHeating #food #micropayments #money #layer2 #currency

Last updated 3 years ago