I am not feeling well today. This wasn’t part of my plan. I was supposed to get lots of writing done, not lie on the couch saying “uuunnngh” a lot.
#unplanned #sick #undertheweather #unproductive
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: ‘And Just Like That’ Took on Unwanted Pregnancy This Week, and It Feels Like a Regression https://jezebel.com/and-just-like-that-took-on-unwanted-pregnancy-this-we-1850752283 #Jezebel #abortionrightsmovements #religionandabortion #sexualrevolution #lisatoddwexley #sexandthecity #stephherold #unplanned #charlotte #samantha #abortion #herbert #carrie #brady #aidan
#jezebel #abortionrightsmovements #religionandabortion #sexualrevolution #lisatoddwexley #sexandthecity #stephherold #unplanned #charlotte #samantha #abortion #herbert #carrie #brady #aidan
A World War II #bomb that was found in Great Yarmouth, England exploded on Friday in what authorities are calling an #unplanned #detonation. #HolyShit
#bomb #unplanned #detonation #holyshit
"Some things are so unexpected that no one is prepared for them." — Leo Rosten — — — #LeoRosten #quote #quotes #unexpected #surprising #unplanned #surprise
#leorosten #quote #quotes #unexpected #surprising #unplanned #surprise
Quant à #SAJEDistribution (Hubert de Torcy), c'est une entreprise de promotion de normes illibérales avec un catalogue de films internationaux.
Leur catalogue inclut #UnPlanned, torchon violemment anti-#IVG, passé sur C8 l'année dernière pour la semaine de la Vierge (août)...
Ce torchon a été salué, entre autres, par le fondateur du #WorldCongressOfFamilies (organisation financée en grande partie par #Malofeev entrepreneur de normes illibérales RU)
Fil sur Twitter. https://twitter.com/abandon2famille/status/1422510417130184705
#Malofeev #worldcongressoffamilies #ivg #unplanned #sajedistribution
Youse can send direct message 2 peeps
I tend to do things in #FullView and share but each to their own level of safety
in the words of my teacher “What's the Plan?”
And #Funnily enough we #AllAre
In other news unbridled:
Wild horses will brake me
Chickens walk down roads, not crossing them
a #Phoenix arises each ash free day
i am #NoFee but #Freedom and accept nothing more than #MorePlease
Be as well as can be
my plan is #Unplanned but why stick with it
better unstuck :_stars:
#fullview #funnily #allare #phoenix #nofee #freedom #moreplease #unplanned
Unplanned, inaspettato! - Silvana De Mari Community #federicapicchi #Unplanned #9luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2lsdmFuYWRlbWFyaWNvbW11bml0eS5pdC8yMDIyLzA3LzAxL3VucGxhbm5lZC1pbmFzcGV0dGF0by8=
#9luglio #unplanned #federicapicchi
Unplanned, inaspettato! - Silvana De Mari Community #federicapicchi #Unplanned #7luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2lsdmFuYWRlbWFyaWNvbW11bml0eS5pdC8yMDIyLzA3LzAxL3VucGxhbm5lZC1pbmFzcGV0dGF0by8=
#7luglio #unplanned #federicapicchi
Unplanned, inaspettato! - Silvana De Mari Community #federicapicchi #Unplanned #5luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2lsdmFuYWRlbWFyaWNvbW11bml0eS5pdC8yMDIyLzA3LzAxL3VucGxhbm5lZC1pbmFzcGV0dGF0by8=
#5luglio #unplanned #federicapicchi
Unplanned, inaspettato! - Silvana De Mari Community #federicapicchi #Unplanned #3luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2lsdmFuYWRlbWFyaWNvbW11bml0eS5pdC8yMDIyLzA3LzAxL3VucGxhbm5lZC1pbmFzcGV0dGF0by8=
#3luglio #unplanned #federicapicchi
Unplanned, inaspettato! - Silvana De Mari Community #federicapicchi #Unplanned #1luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2lsdmFuYWRlbWFyaWNvbW11bml0eS5pdC8yMDIyLzA3LzAxL3VucGxhbm5lZC1pbmFzcGV0dGF0by8=
#1luglio #unplanned #federicapicchi
Contestata la proiezione del film antiabortista [foto] https://www.zic.it/contestata-la-proiezione-del-film-antiabortista-foto/ #AcabnewsBologna #mujereslibres #Corpiepoteri #Movimenti #unplanned #Welfare #Generi #aborto #ivg
#ivg #aborto #generi #welfare #unplanned #movimenti #corpiepoteri #mujereslibres #acabnewsbologna
Docufilm antiabortista in cartellone, scatta mail bombing contro due cinema https://www.zic.it/docufilm-antiabortista-in-cartellone-scatta-mail-bombing-contro-due-cinema/ #AcabnewsBologna #cinemachaplin #cinemafossolo #mujereslibres #Corpiepoteri #mailbombing #Movimenti #unplanned #Generi #aborto #ivg
#ivg #aborto #generi #unplanned #movimenti #mailbombing #corpiepoteri #mujereslibres #cinemafossolo #cinemachaplin #acabnewsbologna
RT @Lesjoursfr@twitter.com
#UnPlanned le film de propagande américain anti-IVG, que diffuse C8 lundi est scandaleux. Même son distributeur le déconseille aux moins de 16 ans. Ce qui devrait interdire sa diffusion à 21h mais C8 en a jugé autrement…
Nouvelle enquête des @Garriberts@twitter.com:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Lesjoursfr/status/1426438444704694272
<p><b><<<sundaysforlife>>>:</b></p> <b><br><br></b><p><<<Wir zeigen dir den #Film #UNPLANNED live und #kostenlos.⠀
Nach dem Film werden wir Prof. Dr. med. Paul Cullen als Gast haben.⠀
Melde dich jetzt an und lade mindestens einen Freund oder eine Freundin ein! ⠀
https://t.co/273GH7Y7oU https://t.co/OMtKM7dPYP>>></p><b><br></b><p><i><a href="https://twitter.com/sundaysforlife/status/1408690762695549000">https://twitter.com//status/1408690762695549000</a></i></p>
<p><b><<<sundaysforlife>>>:</b></p> <b><br><br></b><p><<<Der #Matic-Bericht wurde angenommen und wird nicht nur das ungeborene Leben betreffen, sondern auch einige #Berufsgruppen. Prof. Dr. med Cullen wird am Freitag unser Gast im Anschluss an den Filmabend #UNPLANNED sein. Melde dich jetzt noch an!
https://t.co/273GH8fIgs https://t.co/QQkwdTEQYb>>></p><b><br></b><p><i><a href="https://twitter.com/sundaysforlife/status/1412059966211457000">https://twitter.com//status/1412059966211457000</a></i></p>
#unplanned #berufsgruppen #Matic
<p><b><<<sundaysforlife>>>:</b></p> <b><br><br></b><p><<<Euer #Wunsch ist uns #Befehl! An diesem Freitag haben wir Prof. Dr. med. Cullen zu unserem #Filmabend eingeladen. Wir freuen uns auf eure Fragen und eine spannende Diskussion im Anschluss an #UNPLANNED. Bist du schon dabei? Nein? Dann melde dich noch an!
https://t.co/273GH7Y7oU https://t.co/yKfaYzNZHn>>></p><b><br></b><p><i><a href="https://twitter.com/sundaysforlife/status/1413098556131582000">https://twitter.com//status/1413098556131582000</a></i></p>
#unplanned #filmabend #befehl #wunsch
<p><b><<<sundaysforlife>>>:</b></p> <b><br><br></b><p><<<#Heute Abend noch nichts vor? Dann schau mit uns den Film #UNPLANNED - online und kostenlos. Melde dich noch schnell an und erhalte die Zugangsdaten für deinen Filmabend. Freue dich auf eine berührende Geschichte! https://t.co/jqyUKlQwvw>>></p><b><br></b><p><i><a href="https://twitter.com/sundaysforlife/status/1413332106365833200">https://twitter.com//status/1413332106365833200</a></i></p>
<p><b><<<sundaysforlife>>>:</b></p> <b><br><br></b><p><<<Letzte #Chance, denn bald geht es los mit unserem spannenden #Filmabend und anschließender Gesprächsrunde. Lass dir das nicht entgehen! #unplanned
https://t.co/273GH8fIgs https://t.co/nrP43jnR61>>></p><b><br></b><p><i><a href="https://twitter.com/sundaysforlife/status/1413514808884797400">https://twitter.com//status/1413514808884797400</a></i></p>