@DoubleTreble @bookstodon this is a good problem to have!
Surrounding yourself with #UnreadBooks is a reminder of how much #YouDontKnow , and that's valuable knowledge to have.
#tsundoku is the Japanese word for this
#unreadbooks #youdontknow #tsundoku
@lauraintheory I wish #Pocket had a setting where the things you save would expire if you didn't read them after a set period of time. As for the pile of physical books, they just sit there across the office staring at me disapprovingly as I scroll through Mastodon looking for things to read. #Reading #UnreadBooks
#ShortSermons : #tsundoku
#JoinIn #TIL #Unreadbooks
Tsundoku "is the Japanese word for the stack(s) of books you’ve purchased but haven’t read."
#TLDR - surrounding yourself with #books is good.
#Sermon - The #unread books in one's personal #library serve as a valuable reminder of how much we #DontKnow
That #wisdom is as important as the #knowledge gained from the books you've already read
#Source - https://bigthink.com/neuropsych/do-i-own-too-many-books/
#shortsermons #tsundoku #joinin #TIL #unreadbooks #bookhoarding #tldr #books #sermon #unread #library #dontknow #wisdom #knowledge #source
@Artisttomo My Japanese kids books I bought to read on Amazon and Google ebooks, if they were not in Electronic form would wipe out a good sized forest.
#積読 #積読本 #tsundoku #TsundokuBooks #japaneseBooks #UnreadJapaneseBooks #unreadbooks
Is this different to "tsundoku" (積ん読 in Japanese): Acquiring books to pile up on the bookshelf and perhaps read later?
(raises hand slowly) "Guilty on all counts, your Honour."
Top of the list: "The Open Road" by Jean Giorno, and then I'll get started on the 3 volumes of Seneca.
#books #unreadbooks #bookstodon
Apropos that last post, what are the books you’ve been meaning to read for a while but haven’t quite got to?
#bookstodon #unreadbooks #books
For my #Introduction2, here's #MyTopShelf, which is where all my #UnreadBooks live (although not normally this artfully arranged, if I'm honest, more of a dusty heap)
#unreadbooks #mytopshelf #introduction2
babe is everything okay? you've barely added any new books to your massive pile of unread books
#unreadbooks #tbrpile #ToBeRead #TBR #books
Das kann ich so unterschreiben, stand ganz oben.
#booktower #unreadbooks #mastobooks