AFTER 75 YEARS OF ITS FAILURES: We ask that the dysfunctional UN be reformed radically!
#needforchange #unitednations #unreform
With the EU and AU as permanent members, the number of countries up for the rotating seats would reduce drastically. Making it so that either those would come back to having a temporary seat more often, or one could reduce such seats by 1 or 2?
My preference is initially to not reduce those. But I'm very undecided.
#UnitedNations #UN #UNSC #UnitedNationsSecurityCouncil #UNreform #UNSCreform #UnitedNationsSecurityCouncilReform
#unitednationssecuritycouncilreform #unscreform #unreform #unitednationssecuritycouncil #unsc #un #UnitedNations
@hib_Nachrichten Endlich schafft es wieder ein Vorschlag zur #UNreform in die deutschen Nachrichten. Es reicht aber nicht, einfach nur mehr Staaten in den #UNsicherheitsrat zuzulassen. Fand den Vorschlag vom April letzten Jahres so vielversprechend. Mehr Macht für die #Generalversammlung - weniger nationalstaatliche Egoismen!
#UN #unitednations #reform #politics #dienstag #tuesday #lula #scholz #deutschland #brasilien
#unreform #UNSicherheitsrat #Generalversammlung #un #UnitedNations #Reform #politics #dienstag #tuesday #Lula #scholz #Deutschland #brasilien
Endlich schafft es wieder ein Vorschlag zur #UNreform in die deutschen Nachrichten. Es reicht aber nicht, einfach nur mehr Staaten in den #UNsicherheitsrat zuzulassen. Fand den Vorschlag vom April letzten Jahres so vielversprechend. Mehr Macht für die #Generalversammlung - weniger nationalstaatliche Egoismen!
#UN #unitednations #reform #politics #dienstag #tuesday #lula #scholz #deutschland #brasilien
#unreform #UNSicherheitsrat #Generalversammlung #un #UnitedNations #Reform #politics #dienstag #tuesday #Lula #scholz #Deutschland #brasilien
Trending UN News: Week Ending Dec. 9
by Damilola Banjo
This week, the Taliban carried out their first execution, letting a man shoot the person who allegedly murdered...
#afghanistan #guterres #conventiononbiologicaldiversity #genderequality #genderinequality #humanitarianaid #joebiden #lindathomasgreenfield #monusco #myanmar #russiaukrainewar #russiaukraine #unreform #unrefugeeagency #unsanctions #unsecuritycouncil #universaldeclarationofhumanrights #womensrights
#womensrights #universaldeclarationofhumanrights #unsecuritycouncil #UNsanctions #unrefugeeagency #unreform #RussiaUkraine #russiaukrainewar #myanmar #Monusco #lindathomasgreenfield #joebiden #humanitarianaid #genderinequality #GenderEquality #ConventionOnBiologicalDiversity #guterres #afghanistan
No Surprise: India Wants a Permanent Seat on the UN Security Council. Will It Ever Happen?
by Damilola Banjo
Ruchira Kamboj, India’s ambassador to the United Nations, said the Security Council could no longer afford to delay being more reflective of the diversity of the UN “wider membership” if it wants to remain relevant...
#counterterrorism #globalwarming #india #parisagreement #russiaukrainewar #uncharter #uncounterterrorismcommittee #unreform #unsecuritycouncil
#unsecuritycouncil #unreform #uncounterterrorismcommittee #UNCharter #russiaukrainewar #parisagreement #india #globalwarming #counterterrorism