RT @BurdickCA7@twitter.com

I agree w/ those at the saying corporate and special $$ is ruining our government. Take my opponent @RepBera@twitter.com for example. That's why I am accepting donations only from those who can vote for me. The time for change is now! Give power back to the people.

🐦🔗: twitter.com/BurdickCA7/status/

#ca07 #demdebate #unrigthesystem #Bernie2020 #nomiddleground #m4a #MedicareForAll

Last updated 5 years ago

Nancy Pelosi emailed you 5 times.

She told you Republicans just launched unprecedented attacks against Democrats in 3O districts.

She told you these attacks could destroy our new Democratic Majority.

She told you she was personally triple-matching all Membership renewals until midnight to help us fight back.

We don’t know what else to say -- except that this is your last chance to renew your 2O19 Democratic Membership. Speaker Pelosi needs 4,861 more Democrats by her side.
If you repeatedly beg for less than 5k members to make Dems viable, I'd surmise you lost yer base.
Gee, I wonder how that could happen?
Repent & Reform, listen to the people, give us better quality of life or perish into the abyss, binches. Tired of the betrayal. happened. Loyalty is earned.


#bernitdown #unrigthesystem #unhackthevote #independent #3rdpartyvoter #neverhillarynevertrump #bwhw #wakeup #demexit

Last updated 6 years ago

throwing out that "socialism is bad" dog whistle. Let's not pretend that we're not living under .


#bernitdown #unrigthesystem #revolvingdoor #corporaterule #corporatewelfare #corporatesocialism #trumpatun

Last updated 7 years ago

NO single religion can lay claim to The USA. NO single religion should rule the people.
Separation of church & state.

E Pluribus Unum.

#getreligionoutofgovernment #unrigthesystem #ffrf

Last updated 7 years ago