As India's G20 presidency came to an end, Modi extended full support to Brazil and expressed confidence that its presidency will take forward the shared goals of the bloc; read what all happened on the final day here
#G20FinalDay #PM #UNSC #WorldLeadersHailSummit #Success
#g20finalday #pm #unsc #worldleadershailsummit #success
The African Union just became a permanent member of the G20.
This is a good step, Africa must be at the table when global issues are decided.
The next step ought IMO be for India and the African Union to get permanent seats at the UN Security Council.
#unsc #g21 #g20 #bharat #india #au #AfricanUnion
At the #UNSC debate on conflict & hunger, the EU reminded the intl community that #foodisnotaweapon & noted its #TeamEurope approach to address food insecurity in conflict and climate affected countries with over €1 billion of food/nutrition aid.
#unsc #FoodIsNotAWeapon #TeamEurope
Und wird jetzt etwas durch die #UN unternommen? Ach ja, nein.
#Niger #Putsch #UNSC #unitednations #vereintenationen
#un #niger #putsch #unsc #unitednations #vereintenationen
RT UK at the UN 🇬🇧🇺🇳
After Russia’s sabotage of the Black Sea Grain Deal this week, Russian missiles then destroyed enough Ukrainian grain to feed 270,000 people, 🇬🇧@BWoodward_UN told the Council.
Russia doesn’t care about global hunger.
That much is obvious.
Russia, Assad or the UN? How to get aid to almost 3 million people in northern Syria now
RT Austria UN
At today's #UNSC meeting on #Ukraine, 🇦🇹 Minister @k_edtstadler called on Russia to end its illegal and unprovoked war of aggression.
"Respect for international law is not an option, it is an obligation."
RT MFEA Slovenia
Doorstep statement of the MFEA @tfajon ahead of the #EUCELACSummit: "#ClimateChange, environmental protection, deforestation and #WaterDiplomacy are the topics that #Slovenia 🇸🇮 will contribute through the #UNSC."
@govSlovenia @SLOtoEU
Full statement 🎞️👇
#EUCELACSummit #ClimateChange #WaterDiplomacy #Slovenia #unsc
@incoherentmumblings @tagesschau
Komisch, ich dachte, Recht sei "schlicht nicht [Ihr] Thema"? [ironyon] Wär doch egal, ob #Russland hier einen Völkermord begeht, haben ja auch schon andere vorher gemacht. Und außerdem: "GEOPOLITIK!!11!1!! Alles Geopolitik! Putin wurde vom bösen Westen dazu gedrängt und konnte gar nicht anders!!1!!!11 Geopolitik!" [ironyoff]
Zum Glück unterliegt #Völkermord anders als das #crimeofaggression nicht dem Zwang einer #UNSC -Mandatierung.
#Völkerrecht #ruleoflaw #nojusticenopeace #internationallaw #ukraine
#ukraine #internationallaw #nojusticenopeace #ruleoflaw #Volkerrecht #unsc #crimeofaggression #volkermord #russland
RT Maciej Popowski
After the #UNSC vote, I am in Gaziantep and met UN colleagues operating in Northwest #Syria.
The non-extension of the cross-border resolution would put at risk the only lifeline for millions of Syrians.
We stand ready to continue supporting cross-border humanitarian operations
RT Adopt a Revolution
#Russland hat die UN-Resolution für humanitäre Hilfe für den Norden #Syrien|s im UN-Sicherheitsrat blockiert. Die internationale Gemeinschaft KANN + MUSS jetzt unabhängig von der Zustimmung des #UNSC grenzüberschreitende Hilfe leisten. Es hängen Millionen Menschenleben davon ab.
UN Security Council: Russia vetoes Syria humanitarian aid
#UNSecurityCouncil #UNSC #Russia #Syria #humanitarianaid #Babal-Hawa #Idlib
#idlib #babal #humanitarianaid #Syria #russia #unsc #unsecuritycouncil
#UNSC Must Act to Protect #Palestinian Residents of West Bank From Attacks, Pogroms @palestine @israel
RT UN Media Liaison (MALU)
NOW: #UNSC briefing on Non-proliferation by @UNDPPA USG @DicarloRosemary followed by JCPOA Comm Coordinator @EUatUN & by Facilitator, SCR 2231(2015) Implementation, @MaltaUNMission
📌 Latest 🇺🇳 reports on SCR 2231
📽 @UKUN_NewYork
RT Bente Scheller
#Syrien braucht humanitäre Hilfe, die ankommt. Was können wir aus der Erdbebenhilfe lernen? Wichtig, da am 10. Juli das Mandat zur essentiellen grenzüberschreitenden Hilfe verlängert werden muss. #UNSC #Assad #Idlib @boell_mena & @boell_meo & @tomwrollins
UK starts its UNSC rotating monthly presidency on Monday so I hope @JamesCleverly & @RishiSunak can take up this deeply alarming issue as a top priority.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Francis M. O'Donnell: @JamesCleverly @FCDOGovUK @MelSimmonsFCDO UK presidency of #UNSC eod tomorrow: Priorities: In addition to extending @UN_MINUSMA, top shd be #Zaporizhzhia #NPP: latest report today indicates danger imminent, note Russian evacuation deadline 5 July: 🧵 1/4
RT Francis M. O'Donnell
Re @IAEA @UNDPPA @ZelenskyyUa @Reuters @JamesCleverly Pls bring to #UNSC; P5 members shd agree on urgency preventive deployment UN/IAEA observers & PKO within demilitarised zone of a suitable radius as advised by @IAEA, in order prevent catastrophe of global consequence 🧵4/4 @rafaelmgrossi @InterActCouncil @KyivPost
RT MFEA Slovenia
"Izvolitev v #VS @UN je za Slovenijo 🇸🇮 velik privilegij & odgovornost. Dve leti, ko bomo v družbi največjih držav v #UNSC, nas lahko pozicionira kot samozavestno, kredibilno državo & odpre številne nove priložnosti." - MZEZ @tfajon za #Sinfo
Več 👉
Syria:@JosepBorrellF announced new funding for Syrian people 👉 €2bn at #SyriaConf2023,recalled that conditions aren't in place 2change policy towards Assad regime or 2scale down on sanctions,unless it moves towards implementation of #UNSC Resolution 2254