Cory Doctorow · @pluralistic
47372 followers · 44948 posts · Server

This year's Masseys are shaping up to be the GOAT. They're presented by @AstraTaylor, an activist rock-and-roller turned documentary filmmaker who is one of the founders of , fighting for cancellation. Everything Astra does is *amazing* and her profile on gives some background on the role that played in making her the powerful activist she is today:


#thedebtcollective #studentdebt #cbcideas #unschooling

Last updated 1 year ago

David · @dash
72 followers · 346 posts · Server

Does anyone out there in land (or my wider network) have experience/links/examples of (particularly, but not essentially in a UK context)?


We have a lovely local group of families here, kids currently from 0-10yo, various approaches but quite a strong skew towards / . Centred around a weekly session in a local community hall.


#homeeducation #cooperatives #HomeEd #unschooling #selfdirectedlearning

Last updated 1 year ago

kboom · @kellyhogaboom
62 followers · 194 posts · Server
Immanuel Zirkler · @IZirkler
254 followers · 266 posts · Server
Holly A. Gultiano · @axoaxonic
178 followers · 677 posts · Server

A lot of people think self teaching can't happen, and it's often true: messy, false starts, incorrect assumptions and interpretations, and lack of motivation and follow through are all very real challenges without feedback and guidance. It's important to check for the Dunning-Kruger effect.

When I was growing up mostly left to my own devices to learn, with a minimal prescribed curriculum, but I was assessed every year. I would love if someone made or linked a huge repository of quizzes and tests for self assessment. There are sites like Kahn Academy, but one with advanced and specialized topics would be nice

#homeschooling #unschooling #autodidact #pedagogy

Last updated 1 year ago

kboom · @kellyhogaboom
57 followers · 167 posts · Server

To help make connections: name 5-7 hashtags that interest you but aren't in your profile, Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.

#animalrights #recovery #horrormovies #bmovies #yoga #unschooling #buddhism

Last updated 1 year ago

Arp Laszlo • Comics • ADHD · @ArpComics
571 followers · 302 posts · Server

This was a nice memory from 10y ago: When most ask about running a in their driveway, their make it happen.

I, on the other hand, taught them why it was a bad 🤣.

I was generous with how many people walked by our house too, 20 was way more than the usual 2-3 but a 33% conversion rate (what % of people bought) was ridiculously optimistic and unrealistic.

Our expenses (Cost Structure) were for lemons ($5), paper cups ($5), and sugar ($3) for a total of $13.

Our income (Revenue Streams) was $3, from sales of two $1.50 cups of lemonade. I assumed that 10% of passers-by would buy a cup (ie a conversion rate of 10%).

The business would have resulted in a loss of $10 ($13-$3), not counting time & labor.

The purple post-its were for an alternative idea: selling in a high traffic area downtown - which required a permit (whose cost I don't recall). That might have been profitable, depending on the cost of the permit.

This was a fun exercise that I hoped would teach the kids something interesting & useful.

#kids #lemonadestand #parents #businessmodel #parenting #entrepreneur #unschooling #business

Last updated 1 year ago

kboom · @kellyhogaboom
14 followers · 32 posts · Server

Funny thing about , I'm a seasoned veteran of over 20 years and have been published on the topic. I've had some millennial parents try to 'splain unschooling to me a bit of late and it's kind of funny. I know they MOSTLY do this because they are used to attacks on unschooling. But I'm always like, "yeah I get it, you're preaching to the choir"

#autodidacticeducation #unschooling

Last updated 1 year ago

Clare 🐻 · @cgbrooding
382 followers · 708 posts · Server

I'm back after a looooong absence and feel like I owe Mastodon an apology for neglecting the friendship (my bad) 😂

Things I do NOT like:
- being told how many social media posts I can read in a day

- faux lefties/progressives

Thing I DO like, read or relate to:
- covid reality and science facts in general

- actual lefties, progressives and true disability and diversity community advocates

- unbiased world news (a bit of a unicorn atm, I know)

- common sense (ditto)

#actuallyautistic #neurodiversity #pmdd #pda #unschooling #sde #depression #anxiety #puzzles #crosswords #craft #sewing

Last updated 1 year ago

Susan Ramirez · @boxofdelights
53 followers · 574 posts · Server

I'm @boxofdelights, and this is my .
I love reading, especially . I struggle with , but I belong to three s and . I in Fort Collins, Colorado. I have two and two grown children. I attended the Roeper School. I am deaf in one ear.

I'm interested in , , , , , food, , , and

#introduction #sff #socialanxiety #bookgroup #wiscon #garden #dogs #gardening #nativeplants #permaculture #rewilding #homegrownnationalpark #growyourown #compost #bookstodon #unschooling

Last updated 1 year ago

Petra 🦎 Geefeconomie · @Geefeconomie
917 followers · 1993 posts · Server

Since Doris started learning writing, reading and maths, her peak hour is right before she goes to bed. The energy is slow and her focus is sky high.

We received some new books for mathematics, reading and writing. She loves to do the tasks whenever she feels like it. Her reading and maths are pretty good for a 7 yo, especially if you think she only practises for 1 hour a week.

#homeschooling #unschooling #naturallearning

Last updated 1 year ago

Olamina Free · @olamina
337 followers · 1351 posts · Server

Tipping Points Magazine is currently looking for original works of art related to the theme: “A World Without School.” This could include written work, paintings, drawings, videos, audio, etc.

How do you imagine a world without school? What would have more space to thrive? What would the world feel like? How would the world smell differently without schoolish ideals?


Last updated 1 year ago

Petra 🦎 Geefeconomie · @Geefeconomie
894 followers · 2649 posts · Server
Petra 🦎 Geefeconomie · @Geefeconomie
893 followers · 2644 posts · Server

In the morning garden work, in the afternoon painting faces...I painted Doris 👩🏻‍🎤 and Iza 🐯, Doris painted Robbert 🐵 and I stayed a blanc canvas ;)

#unschooling #naturallearning #facepaint

Last updated 1 year ago

Allisonn Church · @mosslevel
127 followers · 246 posts · Server

I share information about because I value children and freedom and every minute of life, and I want all the grown ups out there to understand the options. 🙏



Last updated 1 year ago

Allisonn Church · @mosslevel
127 followers · 246 posts · Server

I share information about because I value children and freedom and every minute of life, and I want all the grown ups out there to understand the options. 🙏


Last updated 1 year ago

Petra 🦎 Geefeconomie · @Geefeconomie
883 followers · 2581 posts · Server

Ik kwam een heel interessante literatuurstudie tegen over bewegen, prestatie en concentratie bij kinderen. Een must read voor iedereen die zich bezig houdt met , en .

Het volledige onderzoek Buitentijd = Leertijd is hier te lezen:

#onderwijs #Educatie #leren #thuisonderwijs #natuurlijkleren #unschooling

Last updated 1 year ago

Spooky · @spookedhams
284 followers · 588 posts · Server

@rose Worth mentioning too is the fact that the right's support for homeschooling and exit from the public school system is *extremely* selective. Not long ago they were planning to ban it in certain red states because, unsurprisingly, a fair number of families didn't feel comfortable sending their kids to a place where black history is whitewashed or outright erased. A big part of the conservative campaign is to endorse homeschooling only to the extent that it empowers WASP families and immediately pull that support whenever people of color or parents of trans children attempt to exit public education.
It's not as simple as abolishing public education; they're trying to trap students in propaganda programs, exactly as they're accusing "the left" of doing in secret.

is the radical form homeschooling can and frequently does take, and it's imperative that the right never acknowledge the potential to escape schooling as a process, since the point is to bring their narrative into the patriarchal home and turn the family into an enforcement unit. I've witnessed firsthand how liberating an unschooling model can be for a young person, and for that reason I'm forever opposed to yielding "homeschooling" and exit to the conservatives. It's not theirs to claim, it's ours to use against them.


Last updated 1 year ago

Allisonn Church · @mosslevel
93 followers · 136 posts · Server

Launched a new website dedicated to ! explorationschooling.wordpress


Last updated 1 year ago

History is a Gift · @lboe
146 followers · 252 posts · Server

Grace Llewellyn was born in 1964. After teaching at a private school for 2 years, and being fed up with traditional education, she wrote “The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education." The book was a cult success, and has inspired countless people to explore unschooling and learning at all life stages.

You can find the book, the source of today's art, here:

#mar18 #hiag #usa #childliberation #unschooling #history #otd

Last updated 1 year ago