The clock is ticking - we only have 7 years left to attain #SustainableDevelopmentGoals (SDGs); and the interests of decision-makers and funding organisations have heightened.
How is your organisations contributing to the #SDGs?
Find out how the African #Research and #Education Networks are doing it
This article is also featured on #CONNECT43, the latest @geant CONNECT magazine, 📖
#sustainabledevelopment #Africa #unsdgs #nrens #connect43 #Education #Research #sdgs #sustainabledevelopmentgoals
The EuroTech Future Award recognises outstanding scientific contributions by #EarlyCareerResearchers from
the EuroTech Universities Alliance to the #UnitedNations’ Sustainable Development Goals. #CallforEntries open until April, 9:
#SDGs #UNSDGs #Sustainability
#earlycareerresearchers #unitednations #callforentries #sdgs #unsdgs #sustainability
👏 Now available for download from the #AfricaConnect3 website!
A comprehensive document gathering hundreds of examples to evidence the African #NRENs’ critical participation to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Download ➡️
Search for your NREN & be inspired by what other countries are doing!💫
Deepest thanks to those who have taken part in this initiative!
#Africa #sustainabledevelopmentgoals #sdgs #unsdgs #nrens #africaconnect3
Was I supposed to hashtag all those things? #PublicHealth #accessibility #libraries #PublicLibraries #privacy #sustainability #UNSDGs #SDGs #climate #iceland #fungi #birdwatching
#publichealth #accessibility #libraries #publiclibraries #privacy #sustainability #unsdgs #sdgs #climate #iceland #fungi #birdwatching