Ladies and Gents, #UnseenHollywood 18 is now live! #Leverage co-creator John Rogers joins us to talk his unmade adaptation of Greg Rucka’s cracking comic book thriller #QueenAndCountry and his unaired, but leaked, #GlobalFrequency pilot!
#films #movies #cinema #cinemastodon #television #unairedpilots #telemastodon
#unseenhollywood #leverage #queenandcountry #globalfrequency #films #movies #cinema #cinemastodon #television #unairedpilots #telemastodon
Cryptic teaee for #UnseenHollywood 18… two #comicbook adaptations - one in development for twenty odd years, the other *kinda* stretches the definition of Unseen. No prizes for guessing. Just my undying admiration #films #movies #cinemastodon #television #unairedpilots
#unseenhollywood #comicbook #films #movies #cinemastodon #television #unairedpilots
#UnseenHollywood 18 locked and about to be loaded. About to start transcribing 19. Exciting times ahead.
#unseenhollywood 18 update. 3700 words deep and about to hit the moment where a pilot wasn’t picked up due to a network management change.
3,000 words into #UnseenHollywood 18 now. Swear to god, I love this writer (the subject, not me).
Doing research for what’s likely to be #UnseenHollywood 21… for an interview in a couple of days. Really, very good script for a film that was one of the biggest flops of its time. It always fascinates me when great scripts become bad movies
Ladies, Gentlemen:
I am truly proud to be able to share the first #UnseenHollywood for 2023 with you all.
An interview with the legendary comic, film and TV writer Mark Verheiden about his work on the aborted remake of #DarkShadows and the never-made TV adaptation of #TheDarkTower.
Check it out here!
#Film #Television #StephenKing #Cinemastodon #Telemastodon #Unmade #Unproduced
#unseenhollywood #darkshadows #thedarktower #film #television #stephenking #cinemastodon #telemastodon #unmade #unproduced
#UnseenHollywood episode 17 in the can, awaiting publication. Writing episode 18, getting ready to transcribe 19 and doing research on 20.
I’m back, baby.
#UnseenHollywood episode 17 drafted and now making its way through the sausage factory before arriving at the awesome website. Exciting times!
Transcription for #UnseenHollywood 17 finished. Now time to get the sucker down on paper. #films #movies #television #unmadefilms #unmadetv #cinemastodon
#unseenhollywood #films #movies #television #unmadefilms #unmadetv #cinemastodon
Slowly reconnecting with the world of #UnseenHollywood and just remembering what a thrill it is to prepare these pieces. Can’t wait for you to read a very ‘dark’ episode 18.
#cinema #films #tvshows #unairedpilots #cinemastodon
#unseenhollywood #cinema #films #tvshows #unairedpilots #cinemastodon
Reading an unmade TV pilot as part of upcoming interview prep. Second interview where I’ve talked to a writer about adapting this series. And it’s fascinating just how radically different their approach is to the same source material #unproduced #pilots #TV #cinemastodon #unseenHollywood
#unproduced #pilots #tv #cinemastodon #unseenhollywood