The first post dropped today, so plenty of time to read it before next week’s installment. And each post links to both an audio version and an annotated text. One of today’s annotations explains the Pythagorean fart joke Melville makes, so, ya know, it’s got that going for it 😂
#unsolicitedmobydick #WhaleWeekly
I love that the Whale Weekly emails show up on my inbox as being from my buddy Ishmael, who is going to sea for his mental health.
I read Moby-Dick for the first time in late August/early September 2020 after having been home by myself for almost six months. I was surprised, and not a little chagrined, to completely fall in love with it.
I commend Whale Weekly to anyone who wants a manageable way to tackle the novel:
#unsolicitedmobydick #WhaleWeekly