I hope the movie podcasts I listen to who have recently tripled down on dynamic ad insertion are making a ton of money from it because it has me *this close* to unsubscribing. (#Unspooled, #BlankCheck)
New #Unspooled today. I had a hearty laugh listening to Paul and Amy discussing the redemption arc of Officer Al. Besides Hans falling from Nakatomi Plaza, it ain’t Christmas until we spin our theories about the shared Die Hard/Family Matters universe. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unspooled/id1381507437?i=1000590944063
New #ThisBookWillKillYou #wtfPod and #Unspooled to listen to today. A new #SomeMoreNews queued up to watch. A fresh episode of #AEWDynamite and this past weekend’s #WhiteLotus to digest. Another giant book (#FireAndBlood ) added to my to-read pile.
I’m sure there are more important things going on out there but
#fireandblood #whitelotus #aewdynamite #somemorenews #unspooled #wtfpod #thisbookwillkillyou
Other podcasts I've listened to:
- #YouMustRememberThis (I haven't listened to this one as often as I'd like; the Erotic 80s episodes are really enlightening)
- Paul Scheer & Amy Nicholson's #Unspooled (another film podcast I listened to a lot but haven't done so lately)
- @KennethWReid's #TVGuidanceCounselor (I was a guest on this podcast about TV; lately, I've been watching the extras at the TV Guidance YouTube channel more often than listening to the actual episodes)
#youMustRememberThis #unspooled #questlovesupreme #tvguidancecounselor
By coincidence a film critics podcast I listen to is starting a horror series. This is their next film. I’m not the biggest horror fan so I’m not sure about this one.
The first in the series was Midsommar. I did like that, and another of Ari Aster’s Hereditary left an mark. So I’m not completely opposed.