When I see crap like this, it makes me want to unsubscribe from Disney Plus; this company has used Steamboat Mickey to get our geriatric congress to keep
extending the copyright expiration time and turning out crap like this: something they'll use the next time they try it, saying this version of Mickey is still popular.
After Guardians of the Galaxy 3 comes out on the August 2nd, I'm unsubscribing; the Marvel shows aren't worth sticking around for.
#Disney #Mickey #Copyright #Unsubscribe
#disney #mickey #copyright #unsubscribe
In reading my myriad #unread emails, I realized how many annoying emails #LinkedIn has sent me over the years.
I got one this morning.
I went to LinkedIn to change mailing preferences.
LinkedIn said "Your log-in attempt appears #suspicious, please provide the #verification number we just emailed you."
Damn it, LinkedIn, I want fewer emails and you're sending another. The suspicious activity of my log-in attempt to LinkedIn is that I would log into LinkedIn at all.
#unread #linkedin #suspicious #verification #unsubscribe #email
Idiot Customers Will Accidentally Cancel Their Subscriptions If It's Too Easy
#Advertising #Unsubscribe #Lina_Khan #Gizmodo #FTC_regulation_of_behavioral_advertising #Adobe #Subscription_business_model #Corporate_crime #Business_models #CHASE_BANK #Federal_Trade_Commission
#advertising #unsubscribe #lina_khan #gizmodo #ftc_regulation_of_behavioral_advertising #adobe #subscription_business_model #corporate_crime #business_models #chase_bank #federal_trade_commission
@FinchHaven @mattblaze @tmcfarlane
He didn't ask you to fawn over him. He just #rejected your #unsolicited, unwanted, unhelpful, and unashamed criticism of him publicly talking about his artwork.
Many of us actually *enjoy* what he has to say.
And if you don't, then do please mash the living fuck out of that #unsubscribe button.
#rejected #unsolicited #unsubscribe
Amazon's dark tricks
Make opting out too hard
#amazon #prime #unsubscribe #ftc #haiku #poetry
#amazon #prime #unsubscribe #ftc #haiku #poetry
Literally the worst possible pitch for a donation
Really begin to wonder if all the #Substackers (who we''re supposed to #Follow and #Subscribe to) realize that every time they use a new variant of their #Email address for some subset of what they publish, or publish at some new interval, that it blows up all the established email filters I've set up and I have to go back and add a new filter for the new variant
Makes me want to #Unsubscribe from the whole lot
#SubStackers #follow #subscribe #email #unsubscribe #firstworldproblems
Ah yes, time for my morning ritual when I open my laptop and start work: hitting the unsubscribe button on all the sales & webinar emails that random tech vendors send to me overnight, like some boring game of corporate whack-a-mole.
#iiNet, my fixed-line internet provider of least resistance, wants to sell me a phone plan too.
I cannot politely #unsubscribe from such entreaties, because the unsubscribe link is broken. Which rather supports my decision I think.
Having the same provider for fixed-line and mobile sounds like a bad idea in general. They're going to go down at some point, and I'd prefer they don't do this at the same time.
Nechápu, proč mi Invia, prodejce zájezdů, cpe newsletter, ve kterém píše o nějakém světovém Dni čerstvé zeleniny (wtf?) a nabízí zeleninové recepty.
Invio, tvůj obor jsou zájezdy. ZÁJEZDY. Recepty si najde každý sám a agentura přes zájezdy je ta poslední, kde je kdo bude hledat.
Today’s minor peeve: having to reset my password so I can log in to opt out of unwanted emails. The #unsubscribe link shouldn’t be a lie.
If your email service has a one-click unsubscribe button (like @protonmail) you can also use it to disable your alias or block the sender with #SimpleLogin.
Improve your #unsubscribe button with Simple Login here: https://app.simplelogin.io/dashboard/setting#one-click-unsubscribe-section
Netflix cancels yet another excellent and reasonably popular #fantasy show, #lockwoodandco
#netflix commissions new shows with the enthusiasm of an incontinent puppy, but then cancels them with the grim determination of a Wall Street raider. There is no nurture, no understanding that some shows need time to consolidate and find their #audience.
This leaves me disinclined to invest my time in new Netflix products. Why get excited for something they'll probably axe? Time to #unsubscribe, I think
#fantasy #lockwoodandco #netflix #audience #unsubscribe
Has anyone in all of history interacted with the "Didn't mean to #unsubscribe? Click here to resubscribe to our #email offers!" prompt? (Particularly in response to something that doesn't look like an offer at all.)
If I go ask that on #facebook, a bunch of marketer friends will be genuinely perplexed that (a) I don't want emails from companies and (b) they shouldn't have the unfettered ability to contact me as much as they want. Genuine surprise and confusion.
#Marketers, beware.
Calls for a digital 'dark pattern' crackdown intensify as ACCC chair slams subscription lock-in tricks - via @smartcompany
https://www.smartcompany.com.au/business-advice/competition/digital-dark-pattern-crackdown-accc-chair-slams-subscription-tricks/ #Marketing #EmailMarketing #Email #Newsletters #unsubscribe #darkpatterns
#marketers #marketing #emailmarketing #email #newsletters #unsubscribe #darkpatterns
That feeling when you notice that YouTube creators that you used to respect also start using "Something is X. Here's why" clickbaity titles.
RT @supermariomovie
@Dr_Gibbs Bowser and Lyrical Lemonade join forces in the name of love.
#SuperMarioMovie is now playing.
Reply #unsubscribe to opt-out.
RT @supermariomovie
@Dr_Gibbs Pedal meets metal.
Get your tickets now for #SuperMarioMovie at https://uni.pictures/SMBGetTickets.
Reply #unsubscribe to opt-out.
online #shops… i am willing to read your #newsletter after buying sth, srsly, but could some of you stick your heads together and not have me on your list twice or more?!
what happens when i #unsubscribe? will all mails i get to the same address be gone? what if i only want to unsubscribe from one copy?
and i know #finland is awesome but english and finnish? i am a german learning italian 😂 (most of my os are english so i get at least some english and german confusion but still…)
#shops #Newsletter #unsubscribe #finland