Lucy!! #icon #unsungstyleicons
Eisenhower got a smaller TV audience (29 million viewers) for his inauguration, seventy years ago this week, than "I Love Lucy” did the night before for the arrival of Lucy’s baby (44 million):
When in doubt, add some leopard is the advice #earthakitt would likely give. 🐆 #unsungstyleicons #timeless #fashionicon #timelessicon
#earthakitt #unsungstyleicons #timeless #fashionicon #timelessicon
I love to explore & talk about all the things that make clothing great, but that never make headlines. Patternmaking is at the root of this (along with fabrics) but even a great fabric is ruined by a bad pattern. Patternmakers are the #unsungstyleicons of fashion design
When it comes to #unsungstyleicons #robertredford is defo on the list. Most of us likely all still wear some version of this outfit today (this is from 3 Days of the Condor filmed in the 70s). I really wish I still had my old J.Crew pea coat like this!
#unsungstyleicons #robertredford