@passenger @bencourtice @deflarerOfClouds @eniko
The.core problem is #capitalism and that it incentivizes #unsustainability & #profits over #sustainability and #society because that's what the laws incentivize.
In fact #public #corporations have to maximize profits ba all means legally possible or risk getting sued by shareholders.
Whereas #cooperatives are also bound to their members/shareholders but with the demand to be sustainable.
Same goes with #subsidies for unsustaonable #agriculture.
#agriculture #subsidies #cooperatives #corporations #public #society #sustainability #profits #unsustainability #Capitalism
@EESC #Fashion is inherently #unsustainable - #SHEIN and other "#UltraFastFashin" just double down on #unsustainability!
#unsustainability #ultrafastfashin #shein #unsustainable #fashion
a friend sent me a link to this:
it's long, haven't yet finished it even, but just wanted to look into one claim and ended up with those charts.
#climateCrisis #UnSustainability #biodiversity #collapse #CheapOil #CheapNature #agriculture #ilmastokriisi
“Today,” he forecast ten years ago, we are seeing “the end of Cheap Nature as a civilizational strategy.” Beyond the mid-2030s, “it is difficult to see how capitalist agriculture can survive.”
#ClimateCrisis #unsustainability #biodiversity #collapse #cheapoil #cheapnature #agriculture #ilmastokriisi
“A mina contamina” is a show tells the story of a drop of rain water that becomes #polluted by #heavyMetals as it falls in and underground mine. The story is told dialogically, in a conversation between the drop and a White wagtail that is warned of the perils of drinking water from the #stream, learning about the processes of #acid #mine drainage and #bioaccumulation, but also of the human #greed and #unsustainability behind mining pollution.
#polluted #heavymetals #stream #acid #mine #bioaccumulation #greed #unsustainability #lithiumNO #MinesNo
Climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation. The less civilization does of the former (e.g., reducing Greenhouse gas emissions), the more civilization will be forced to try and do the latter (e.g., deal with the consequences)
#climate #ClimateChange #ecology #unsustainability #sustainability
#ClimateMitigation #ClimateCrisis #adaptation #PolyCrisis
#climate #climatechange #ecology #unsustainability #sustainability #climatemitigation #climatecrisis #adaptation #polycrisis
Have you noticed that some capitalists admire and or are jealous of those people with the most extreme forms of unsustainable lifestyles? Of course, nobody wants to be "poor" or homeless in a capitalist economy (or any economy). Nobody wants to live on the streets. In capitalism, homeless people sleep rough in towns & cities where the rich own a home, plus one or more extra "home" (e.g., holiday cottage, rental property, etc). In capitalism, people live on the streets close to "five star" hotels. Some of the more "woke" capitalists may react to the sight of a homeless person by offering them a small amount of money - but they're not "woke" enough to acknowledge that homeless people, in a rich culture, is the immorality of the capitalism system. For example and par for the course, capitalists admire rich politicians (the successful people of their peer groups), such as the millionaire Prime ministers Rishi Sunak. These rich capitalist politicians tend to be, generally, silent about the countries homeless people. Though rather vocal about keeping the "migrants" out & more "money and jobs" , or rather more "growth" for their colleagues that own corporations. The capitalist always users more "money & Jobs" as the sales pitch. For example, the UK's #Conservative party is using the slogan of more "money & Jobs" to try and open a coal mine, to exploit the people, & their environment, of Whitehaven, Cumbria, England (not that the local people generally know that they're being exploited). More "money & jobs" that causes extreme forms of ecological degradation (e.g., air pollution).
Of course, the rich capitalist business people are "woke" enough to know they have to at least seem like they care - but their brand of politics, where they evidently support their own rich class peer groups, speaks far louder (to some), than their "woke" brand of gaslighting.
It's not specifically that capitalists admire the amount of waste & pollution that successful capitalists cause, they admire & desire their peer groups possessions (their lifestyles). Successful capitalism is defined by it's momentary worth. Capitalists want more money so as to own large houses with maybe large swimming pools, large vehicles, to travel abroad on Jet holidays, etc. Hell, if they are successful enough, the capitalist will probably buy their own private Jet. The richest capitalists own space Jets. So capitalism is entrenched in monetary values. Success is defined by, for example, how many sports cars a capitalist owns - not their character. Though to be blunt, having an effective friendly sales pitch is more palatable than an obvious crook.
In the context of climate change, morons in space is evidently not a priority. But, "boys will be boys".
Do all these "normal" facts mean that the capitalist is "evil"? Well, that's not what l am specifically saying. I'm saying that capitalism is fundamentally flawed. The capitalist ideology is evidently not ecologically sustainable. More stuff or more economic growth, for the already rich, is evidently greed. And if a capitalist attempts to greenwash people otherwise, they are, by definition, immoral. There is a behavioural psychological reason why #greenwash so prolific in a capitalist culture - that reason is corruption. Capitalism is, overall, a bad incentive.
People should not conflate technology, science, etc, with capitalism. Capitalism is only an idea. If that idea is the cause of ecological degradation, then capitalism is an unsustainable ideology. However, Capitalism is a "self" protection racket #monopoly. Therefore, the extremist capitalists will, if not regulated against, ruin our chances of a sustainable future. The idea of more stuff, more "growth, in a system with a finite amount of resources is a greed based ideology #CircularEconomy
A "capitalist" is not what a person is, it's what a person believes in and does. Even in capitalist economy's such as the UK, there are, for example, publicly owned organisations such as the National Health Service #NHS.
But, the extremist capitalist plots to undermine any non capitalist system by underfunding it. The UK's conservative party is of course a capitalist form of politics. Bearing in mind that capitalism is fundamentally about someone or some business increasing their profits, no matter what the conservative "elite" say, they do want to privatise, to capitalise, the UK's NHS (privatise the UK). Greenwash, lies, deception, hype, sales spin, etc, it's all the same for the capitalist extremist.
It's hard to have a honest conversation with a capitalist (l have tried) Do they know where their lies end and the truth begins? The truth has a way of revealing it's "self" #ClimateChange
When a capitalist rants "growth", ask yourself, what type of "growth" do they have in mind? A growth of, for example, the amount of millionaires and billionaires to fund their brand of politics? A "growth" in the line of ques at food banks or on #NHS waiting lists?
I could say shame on them, but, does the billionaire feel any sense of shame that they, for example, spend their wealth on space flights, when others don't even have a place to call home? Or do they, typically, simply infer that's it's someone else's problem. Well, climate change is all our problem. What's their excuse for not helping societies mitigate climate change? Their lifestyles and the form of politics they support are the leading cause of ecological degradation, what excuse can they make up for that? What's their excuse for selling fuels using greenwash? Or their rants about "carbon capture" rather than dealing with the source of the problem, burning fuel.
Well, at least the rich can buy loyalty or enforce conformity, but, they can't afford climate change.
#unsustainability #economy #politics #privatisation #rich #class #nepotism #plutocracy #corruption
#conservative #monopoly #corruption #greenwash #circulareconomy #nhs #privatisation #class #nepotism #plutocracy #economy #climatechange #unsustainability #politics #rich
Have you noticed that some capitalists admire and or are jealous of those people with the most extreme forms of unsustainable lifestyles? Of course, nobody wants to be "poor" or homeless in a capitalist economy. Nobody wants to live on the streets. In capitalism, homeless people sleep rough in towns & cities where the rich own a home, plus one or more extra "home" (e.g., holiday cottages, rental property, etc). In capitalism, people live on the streets close to "five star" hotels. Some of the more "woke" capitalists may react to the sight of a homeless person by offering them a small amount of money - but they they're not "woke" enough to acknowledge that homeless people, in a rich culture, is the immorality of the capitalism system. For example and par for the course, capitalist admire rich politicians (the successful people of their peer groups), such as the millionaire Prime ministers Rishi Sunak. These rich capitalist politicians tend to be, generally, silent about the countries homeless people. Of course, these rich business people are "woke" enough to know they have to at least seem like they care - but their brand of politics, where they evidently support their own rich class peer groups, speaks far louder (to some), than their "woke" brand of gaslighting.
It's not specifically that capitalists admire the amount of waste & pollution that successful capitalists cause, they admire & desire their peer groups possessions (their lifestyles). Successful capitalism is defined by it's momentary worth. Capitalists want more money so as to own large houses with maybe large swimming pools, large vehicles, to travel abroad on Jet holidays, etc. Hell, if they are successful enough, the capitalist will probably buy their own private Jet. The richest capitalists own space Jets.
In the context of climate change, morons in space is evidently not a priority. But, "boys will be boys".
Do all these "normal" facts mean that the capitalist is "evil"? Well, that's not what l am specifically saying. However, the capitalist ideology is evidently not ecologically sustainable. More stuff or more economic growth, for the already rich, is evidently greed. And if a capitalist attempts to greenwash people otherwise, they are, by definition, immoral. There is a behavioural psychological reason why #greenwash so prolific in a capitalist culture - that reason is corruption. Capitalism is, overall, a bad incentive.
People should not conflate technology, science, etc, with capitalism. Capitalism is only an idea. If that idea is the cause of ecological degradation, then capitalism is an unsustainable ideology. However, Capitalism is a " self" protect racket. Therefore, the extremist capitalists will, if not regulated against, ruin our chances of a sustainable future.
A "capitalist" is not what a person is, it's what a person believes in and does. Even in capitalist economy's such as the UK, there are, for example, publicly owned organisations such as the National Health Service #NHS.
But, the extremist capitalist plots to undermine any non capitalist system by underfunding it. The UK's conservative party is of course a capitalist form of politics. Bearing in mind that capitalism is fundamentally about someone or some business increasing their profits, no matter what the conservative "elite" say, they do want to privatise, to capitalise, the UK' NHS. Greenwash, lies, deception, hype, sales spin, etc, it's all the same for the capitalist extremist.
It's hard to have a honest conversation with a capitalist. Do they know where the lies end and the truth begins? The truth has a way of revealing it's "self" #ClimateChange
When a capitalist rants "growth", ask yourself, what type of "growth" do they have in mind? A growth of, for example, the amount of millionaires and billionaires to fund their brand of politics? A "growth" of the line of ques at food banks or on HHS waiting lists?
I could say shame on them, but, does the billionaire feel any sense of shame that they, for example, spend their wealth on space flights, when others don't even have a place to call home? Or do they, typically, simply infer that's it's someone else's problem. Well, climate change is all our problem. What's their excuse for not helping societies to deal with climate change? Their lifestyles and the form of politics they support are the leading cause of ecological degradation, what excuse can they make up for that?
Well, at least the rich can buy loyalty or enforce conformity, but, they can't afford climate change.
#unsustainability #economy #politics #privatisation #rich #class #nepotism #plutocracy #corruption
#economy #politics #privatisation #rich #class #nepotism #plutocracy #corruption #greenwash #nhs #climatechange #unsustainability
In the debut post on my new personal blog, I consider the #unsustainability of #profit and try to plant the seeds of a vision of a better path.
"And when I think about what I can do on a personal level, I can't help but wonder: what will it take to awaken us collectively? As clear as an apocalypse seems some days, our power as a global people to both stop it and to build something better seems just as clear, not to mention more immediate."
Powerful start to our #SustainabilityLaw #Risks of #Unsustainability Conference with @pkeys presenting on #Anthropocene Risks!
#SustainabilityLaw #risks #unsustainability #anthropocene
Tomorrow, at the #Risks of #Unsustainability Conference, I will be presenting based on my newest paper at SSRN, which is a preprint of the draft chapter I am contributing to The Cambridge Handbook of EU Sustainable Finance: Regulation, Supervision and Governance, edited by Kern Alexander, Matteo Gargantini and Michele Siri (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2023). As always, I welcome all comments! #SustainabilityLaw
#risks #unsustainability #SustainabilityLaw
Join us as we go beyond financial risks of #ClimateChange to a research-based concept of risks encompassing #PlanetaryBoundaries & #SocialFoundations & discuss its integration in #finance, #accounting & #companylaw #corpgov!
When: 7-8 December
Where: Hybrid, Oslo & Zoom.
Open for all, so register today!
#unsustainabilityrisks #sustainability #unsustainability #businesslaw
#businesslaw #unsustainability #sustainability #unsustainabilityrisks #CorpGov #companylaw #accounting #finance #SocialFoundations #planetaryboundaries #climatechange
#TuesdayColumn: That moment when #Netflix can make over 20 billion USD in income in a single year, and still be punished by the #StockMarket because their ludicrous earnings just aren't ludicrous enough. #economy #growth #Unsustainability #writing #politics
Punishable Profitability:
#tuesdaycolumn #unsustainability #writing #economy #netflix #stockmarket #growth #politics
Sport, Fashion, and Tourism: Corporate Greenwash’s New Frontiers at the UN Climate Talks. All three of these industries help drive #climatechange #inequality and #unsustainability, they are part of the problem, not the solution! #degrowth now. https://www.desmog.co.uk/2018/12/12/sport-fashion-and-tourism-corporate-greenwash-s-new-frontiers-un-climate-talks
#climatechange #inequality #unsustainability #degrowth