RT @TaxJusticeNet@twitter.com
In case you missed it, on our podcast @TheTaxcast@twitter.com: There’s been a shift in global power, a tax justice milestone, and the most powerful nations couldn’t stop it…listen to 'the day global power shifted' here or find us on your podcast app
https://taxjustice.net/2022/12/16/un-tax-convention/ #UNTaxConvention
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TaxJusticeNet/status/1605983996852047872
RT @sullivlj@twitter.com
Banging new podcast from @TheTaxcast@twitter.com about how OECD countries desperately tried (and failed!) to prevent a resolution for a #UNTaxConvention from happening 👏👏 https://twitter.com/TheTaxcast/status/1603883121845338113
RT @TaxJusticeAfric@twitter.com
📢NEW ARTICLE ALERT: Our Policy, Research and Advocacy Manager, @chenaimukumba@twitter.com
talked to @GaroweOnline@twitter.com about Africa Group’s #UNTaxConvention win and the importance of the recent decision on the #UNTaxConvention.
Read the article here 👇🏾
Like & retweet
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TaxJusticeAfric/status/1600053049220702209
There's such an important conversation going on right now, about how to take forward the intergovernmental discussions on international tax cooperation - per the adoption by consensus of the Africa Group's UN resolution. #UNTaxConvention
RT @alexcobham@twitter.com
African nations win UN tussle over paving the way for global tax reforms - great #UNTaxConvention coverage from @ICIJorg@twitter.com https://www.icij.org/investigations/paradise-papers/african-nations-win-un-tussle-over-paving-the-way-for-global-tax-reforms/ via @ICIJorg@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/alexcobham/status/1595703721333334016
Global coverage of the #UNTaxConvention resolution continues - here's @LubnaKtoi@twitter.com in @timesofindia@twitter.com https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/in-a-1st-un-to-call-shots-on-global-tax-rules/articleshow/95748962.cms
RT @ATAFtax@twitter.com
[MUST READ] The African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) welcomes the decision by the United Nations (UN) to strengthen the inclusiveness and effectiveness of international tax cooperation.
Read our full statement here: http://bit.ly/3UcwB4Y
'Tax justice at last? Africa takes historic fight to the UN' - African Business magazine @AfricanBizMag@twitter.com has its December cover story, on the #UNTaxConvention https://african.business/2022/11/trade-investment/tax-justice-at-last-africa-takes-historic-fight-to-the-un/
'UN to take on tax development responsibility amid frustration at OECD'
- @PF_Focus@twitter.com covers the decision on the #UNTaxConvention https://www.publicfinancefocus.org/pfm-news/2022/11/un-take-tax-development-responsibility-amid-frustration-oecd
RT @GA4TJ@twitter.com
TODAY join our @kitondowe@twitter.com for the session "#GlobalSouth perspectives on international #TaxReform", which is part of the Global Days of Action for #TaxJustice in the #ExtractiveIndustry
⏰11 am GMT
🖊️Register now: http://bit.ly/GDOA-tax-extractives-4
#globalsouth #taxreform #taxjustice #extractiveindustry #untaxconvention #taxextractivesnow
African nations win UN tussle over paving the way for global tax reforms - great #UNTaxConvention coverage from @ICIJorg@twitter.com https://www.icij.org/investigations/paradise-papers/african-nations-win-un-tussle-over-paving-the-way-for-global-tax-reforms/ via @ICIJorg@twitter.com
RT @alvinmosioma@twitter.com
They said it's impossible. They called it a pipedream. 20 yrs of relentless efforts we have made the first major crack on the wall. A #UNTaxConvention is now within reach. As a wise man one said, it always seems impossible until its done.@TaxJusticeAfric@twitter.com @GA4TJ@twitter.com @TaxJusticeNet@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/alvinmosioma/status/1595694207989317632
RT @toveryding@twitter.com
It's one of those rare days where all UN Member States actually did exactly what civil society called for. Some OECD countries (incl. US, EU and UK) stated their protests, but in the end they still voted for the resolution! #UNTaxConvention #TaxJustice https://twitter.com/cs_ffd/status/1595386758581342209
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/toveryding/status/1595436686774788098
RT @AmbMKimani@twitter.com
Congratulations to the African Group in New York for leading the campaign for the General Assembly to pass a resolution that paves the way for a #UNTaxConvention. Thank you to former South African President Thabo Mbeki for his immense leadership https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2022/11/23/mbeki-calls-for-un-tax-convention-to-halt-illicit-financial-flows/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AmbMKimani/status/1595454821959712770
RT @SugatBhattarai@twitter.com
The countries of the Global South lose the greatest share of their tax revenues to #TaxAbuse. We demand a global inclusive, democratic and transparent process to negotiate new standards! We want a #UNTaxConvention! @cs_ffd@twitter.com
@GA4TJ@twitter.com @WeAreTAFJA@twitter.com @TaxJusticeAfric@twitter.com @justiciafiscal@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SugatBhattarai/status/1595388952596254721
We are on the road to a #UNTaxConvention! Our statement:
RT @TaxJusticeNet@twitter.com
The UN General Assembly has adopted by unanimous consensus a resolution that mandates the UN to set course for a global tax leadership role.
“History was made today," says our CEO @alexcobham@twitter.com. Read our statement here. https://taxjustice.net/press/un-adopts-historic-decision-to-take-on-new-tax-leadership/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TaxJusticeNet/status/1595441731582967808
Il suffit de regarder les votes pour voir le conflit d'intérêt. Quels États veulent garder les discussions #TaxJustice dans des clubs de pays riches?...🤔 #UNTaxConvention
(fin des tweets sur un sujet qui relève + de mon travail passé qu'actuel :))
les États les + riches, dont les entreprises bénéficient le + de l'évasion fiscale.
Une #UNTaxConvention serait négociée avec les pays dont les ressources sont siphonnées vers les paradis fiscaux - pas tout à fait au hasard, je pourrais citer la Zambie https://www.nouvelobs.com/rue89/rue89-monde/20110531.RUE2596/le-docu-zambie-a-qui-profite-le-cuivre-mouille-l-europe.html
RT @Mura_Allan@twitter.com
When African Countries want to have an equal say in the way global tax rules are made, it is considered "undermining efforts by the OECED" to keep the rules rigged against them (African Countries). Hell yes....!! #UNTaxConvention
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Mura_Allan/status/1595427204518891521
RT @Mura_Allan@twitter.com
Rich Countries are dying on that hill of "duplication of efforts" during this UN seating. Well, why would the African Group duplicate a framework that does not work for everyone? #UNTaxConvention
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Mura_Allan/status/1595424749206884352