In March 2023, when more people got arrested and charged with “domestic terror” for the non-crime of caring about forests and life, as embodied in the @defendatlantaforest and @stopcopcity movement, a whole ecosystem of solidarity—already well grounded—mushroomed in size and variety. And to my mind (and heart), a particularly essential yet often overlooked piece of solidarity emerged: collective emotional care, or emotional mutual aid.
That took the form of, say, in-person care clinics, gifts of medicinal herbs, and grief spaces, to therapists and other healers lending virtual support, to two earlier care-focused webinars that I pulled together, mostly behind the scenes, with tech aid from the @the_cldc and @chava_lah. (A recording of the webinar by the amazing Nicole explaining PTSD and trauma from state repression, and numerous ways to cope, can be found in the link at @solidarity.apothecary.)
Now, I’m humbled that three other remarkable folks—like Nicole, all former defendants who are committed to a politics of care, and all incredibly wise, skilled, and loving—are gathering for a third webinar, kindly Zoom hosted by @firestormcoop. You won’t want to miss the ways that @ashwilliamsclt, @_fouquieria_, and @banderitanegra engage in “Cultivating Care & Resilience to Weather the Stress of State Repression.”
No need to register! Just tune in on Tuesday, July 18, from 7 to 8:30 pm EST, via
And bring friends and accomplices, especially those you know are going through waves of emotional turmoil—whether they (and/or you) are doing jail or legal support, fundraising or letter writing, awaiting trial, continuing to organize, and/or so much more that keeps up the good fight.
As this webinar, which will be recorded, notes, “The goal of state repression is to divide and fragment [us, including via] stress. It’s a tactic meant to fuck with our heads. And too often, it works. The fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and loss of control over our lives can be so overwhelming that we turn on each other with lateral aggressions, crushing us and our solidarity. How do we not let the state win in this way?”
#CollectiveCare #artofresilience #untilallarefree
The Grand National - Where poor people get dressed up to hand over money they can't afford to rich people and horses die!
#YouBetTheyDie #TheGrandNational #GrandNational #NothingGrandAboutTheNational #BoycottTheGrandNational #BoycottGrandNational #BoycottHorseRacing #AnimalAbuse #StopFundingAnimalAbuse #StopBettingOnDeath #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRights #ALF #AnimalLiberationFront #UntilAllAreFree #UntilAllTheCagesAreEmpty
#youbettheydie #thegrandnational #grandnational #nothinggrandaboutthenational #boycottthegrandnational #boycottgrandnational #boycotthorseracing #animalabuse #stopfundinganimalabuse #stopbettingondeath #animalliberation #animalrights #alf #animalliberationfront #untilallarefree #untilallthecagesareempty
Noisy protest with my drum at Camp Beagle outside MBR Acres puppy Farm in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire last summer. MBR breeds beagles to sell as puppies for deathly vivisection in laboratories across the UK.
#FreeTheBeagles #FreeTheMBRBeagles #UntilAllAreFree #UntilAllTheCagesAreEmpty #EndVivisection #EndAnimalTesting #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRights #Protest #ProtestDrum
#freethebeagles #freethembrbeagles #untilallarefree #untilallthecagesareempty #endvivisection #endanimaltesting #animalliberation #animalrights #protest #protestdrum
#HillaryLazar #UntilAllAreFree #Intersectionality #AnarchaFeminism :anfem_heart:
#hillarylazar #untilallarefree #intersectionality #anarchafeminism
We managed to get some good hound cuddles yesterday when we successfully sabbed the Thurlow Hunt's NY Day meet in Cavendish #HoundsLoveSabs #SabsLoveHounds #HuntSabs #HuntSaboteurs #HuntingTheHunters #BanTrailHunting #EndBloodsports #UntilAllAreFree #AnimalRights
#houndslovesabs #sabslovehounds #huntsabs #huntsaboteurs #huntingthehunters #bantrailhunting #endbloodsports #untilallarefree #animalrights
Please sign this petition to MBR Acres to release the 2 rescued puppies who were returned by the police. #FreeLoveAndLibby #FreeTheBeagles #FreeTheMBRBeagles #EndVivisection #EndAnimalTesting #UntilAllAreFree #UntilAllTheCagesAreOpen #AnimalRights #AnimalWelfare
#freeloveandlibby #freethebeagles #freethembrbeagles #endvivisection #endanimaltesting #untilallarefree #untilallthecagesareopen #animalrights #animalwelfare
Sie haben Angst vor uns.
Wir machen alles richtig.
Sie wollen uns mundtot machen und wegsperren, weil sie genau wissen, wir haben Recht.
#ClimateAction #systemchange #untilallarefree
#untilallarefree #systemchange #ClimateAction
Such a treat to get the 2023 @certaindays in my snail-mailbox!
It’s made all that much sweeter because I’m not only honored to have a prose piece in it, titled “Sticking Side by Side,” but my words also get to accompany the powerful “Until Every Prison is a Library” artwork by @seize.the.mean for December 2023!
And not only that, but I get to share time and calendar space with dear friends and accomplices like ZOLA street art (whose handcrafted #WetsuwetenStrong wheat paste graces the cover and the month of January), @mtilsen, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Upping the Anti,, and others!
But best of all—besides getting to savor twelve months of the #ArtOfResistance in words and images—Certain Days is far more than a *mere* calendar. It is, quite literally, about sticking side by side with political prisoners and their freedom. That is, until every prison is abolished. Certain Days raises awareness, of course, but it raises funds too—its raison d’être (reason for being).
So don’t you want to get your copy in your snail-mailbox? Or a bunch to help sell to friends and accomplices? All proceeds are, as Certain Days explains, “donated to organizations and campaigns working to abolish the prison industrial complex and support those locked inside.” The list of past recipients is long and meaningful, from @rappcampaign to @addameer_pal, from @atxabc to @the_cldc, from @tgijusticeproject to, from @prisonhealthnews to @bflobooksthrubars, and so many more.
What’s not to love about this beautiful—literally and figuratively—calendar?
For all the details on ordering, see Certain Days at your fav social media!
#WetsuwetenStrong #ArtOfResistance #untilallarefree #carenotcages #SolidarityIsOurBestWeapon #Abolition
Until all are free!
#abolishprisons #untilallarefree
In #münster werden Tiere gequält😩. Bei 30 Grad müssen diese armen Pferde Karren voll mit Menschen zu deren Vergnügung durch die Stadt ziehen. Über Kopfsteinpflaster.
#untilallarefree #govegan #tierbefreiung #antispeziezismus
#antispeziezismus #tierbefreiung #govegan #untilallarefree #münster
Das Urteil im aktuellen #FreeElla Prozess wurde vertagt: Der nächste und voraussichtlich letzte Termin im ist am 10. März 2022. 🗓️
Wir halten euch auf dem Laufenden!
#UntilAllAreFree ✊
Grüße aus dem Knast in der Slovakei für uns 🖤💚!
#untilallarefree #knästeabschaffen #knast #tierrecht #AnimalLiberationFront #FCKMcDonalds
Wenn noch eins Briefe schreiben mag oder sonst irgendwie unterstützen - DM ist offen🙃
#FCKMcDonalds #AnimalLiberationFront #tierrecht #knast #knästeabschaffen #untilallarefree
In 2022 will you write to #Bristol's prisoners from the #KillTheBill protests in 2021?
Our pals at #BristolABC have just updated their prisoner list for 9 such prisoners who welcome public support.
Thanks ✊
#solidarity #UntilAllAreFree
#killthebill #BristolABC #untilallarefree #bristol #solidarity
Ooohaaa - #revolution ???
Mein Tee prophezeit mir, dass die Möglichkeit, meine Werte zu verwirklichen, wahr wird?
#systemchange #freethemall #untilallarefree
Eine lebenswerte Welt für alle ✊🏾✊🏻✊🏼✊🏿✊🏽
#untilallarefree #freethemall #systemchange #Revolution
❗️Teilen teilen teilen ❗️
Support needed!
#animalsrights #untilallarefree #govegan #tierrecht
#tierrecht #govegan #untilallarefree #animalsrights
Konsum von Tierprodukten fördert Pandemien ...
#govegan #pandemie #zoonose #corona #vegan #untilallarefree #COVID19 #stoppmassentierhaltung
#stoppmassentierhaltung #COVID19 #untilallarefree #Vegan #corona #zoonose #pandemie #govegan
Ich sage es nochmal:
#untilallarefree #govegan #tierrecht #lebewesen #vegan #tierbefreiung #animalliberation
#AnimalLiberation #tierbefreiung #Vegan #lebewesen #tierrecht #untilallarefree
Liebe #Münster aner*innen!
Es wurden heute ein paar neue Hinweisschilder aufgehängt!
Schaut Euch diese Horrororte gerne an!
#untilallarefree #govegan
#StopAnimalTests #fürtierrechte #vegan #gegencovance #stopptierversuche
#stopptierversuche #gegencovance #Vegan #fürtierrechte #StopAnimalTests #untilallarefree #münster
Alles, alles muss befreit werden!
#animalliberation #untilallarefree #vegan #Tierbefreierinnen #Tierbefreierinnenleipzig
#Tierbefreierinnenleipzig #Tierbefreierinnen #Vegan #untilallarefree #animalliberation
Vortrag Feminismus & Tierbefreiung :quey_1:
#untilallarefree #nooneisfree #animalliberation #Tierbefreierinnen #vegan #feminism #feminsmus #tierbefreiung
#tierbefreiung #feminsmus #feminism #Vegan #Tierbefreierinnen #animalliberation #nooneisfree #untilallarefree