Meh, this 1:9 #unun is not working properly or the connected 450 ohm load has a significant inductance that messes up the measurement 🤔
Also discovered that a #NanoVNA-H can malfunction when its battery is completely discharged, it only booted up again after disconnecting and reconnecting the battery... #hamradio #vectornetworkanalyser
#vectornetworkanalyser #hamradio #nanoVNA #unun
Denke den Balun habe ich ganz ordentlich und sauber aufgebaut.
Jetzt braucht es noch Werkzeug damit die PL-Buchse eingebaut werden kann
#hamradio #amateurfunk #darc #unun #balun #antenna #kurzwelle #shortwave
#hamradio #amateurfunk #darc #unun #balun #antenna #Kurzwelle #shortwave
Going with a Speaker Wire #randomlengthwireantenna with 9:1 #unun. Had so much fun with the #putikeeg mini #straightkey yesterday, putting in back in action for today's
CW #morsecode #qrp #amateurradio #hamradio #pota #parksontheair activation
#ParksOnTheAir #pota #hamradio #amateurradio #qrp #morsecode #straightkey #putikeeg #unun #randomlengthwireantenna
Does a 9:1 #Unun exist with a SO239 on both input and output instead of just a normal wire attachment? I'm not attaching more coax, basically my random wire attaches using a pl259. It's a weird setup. I'd be willing to pay fairly for an unun like that. I could cut off the pl259 I guess, but I don't want to.
#hf #radio #ham #amateurradio #hamradio #unun
Made a 1:64 #unun to adapt small telescopic antennas to 50 ohm receivers. Seems to work quite well, unfortunately this AR8000 does not perform really well on #shortwave. But the #antenna functions 🙂