A searchable bibliography of publications relating to philosophy of memory:
Over 2000 entries.
Hosted by the Centre for Philosophy of Memory at the Universite Grenoble Alps.
#philosophy #philosophyOfMemory #memory #database #bibliography #CPM #UnversiteGrenobleAlps
#philosophy #PhilosophyOfMemory #memory #database #bibliography #cpm #unversitegrenoblealps
The good people at the Centre for Philosophy of Memory are holding a workshop on causation in memory.
Do memory traces exist? How would / do they work? What about reconstructing memories? What do we need in order to remember something?
Excellent speakers.
No registration required.
FREE access via Zoom!!!
#philosophy #PhilosophyOfMemory #Causation #MemoryTraces #UnversiteGrenobleAlps #Engram #Memory #OnlineWorkshop
#philosophy #PhilosophyOfMemory #causation #memorytraces #unversitegrenoblealps #engram #memory #OnlineWorkshop