6 #HadleyHeathManning ) The #TurnAwayStudy also showed that #UnwantedBabies were also significantly more likely to suffer from poor maternal bonding due to mothers resenting a baby they did not desire.
The Study also marks negative outcomes for the siblings of unwanted babies, another group of people Manning leaves out of her "consequences" conversation since most women seeking abortions are already mothers.
#hadleyheathmanning #turnawaystudy #unwantedbabies
5 #HadleyHeathManning ) The study showed that 90% of women who seek abortions and are denied end up keeping their babies rather than turning them over for adoption and the outcomes for these kids are worse then for children who were planned for and wanted.
Here is the #TurnawayStudy fact sheet http://bit.ly/TheTurnawayStudyFactSheet. Findings include
#UnwantedBabies were significantly more likely to wind up in households with not enough money for living expenses. #abortion #birthcontrol
#hadleyheathmanning #turnawaystudy #unwantedbabies #abortion #birthcontrol