RT by @fbafolke: In partnership with @UNITAMS and , and to enhance women’s political participation in , a team of experts from the Swedish Agency @fbafolke this past week conducted several seminars and workshops for women from across Sudan, with some targeting women in East Sudan. nitter.net/SwedeninSD/status/1

#unwomen #sudan

Last updated 2 years ago

Mariana · @mariversusmari
92 followers · 587 posts · Server mastodon.world

Bringing women and other marginalized groups into technology results in more creative solutions and greater potential for innovations that address women's needs and promote gender equality.

#internationalwomensday #unwomen

Last updated 2 years ago

Mariana · @mariversusmari
92 followers · 587 posts · Server mastodon.world

This year, UN Women’s actions around the theme will explore:
- the impact of the digital gender gap on the anguish of social and social inequalities.
- highlight the importance of protecting the rights of women and girls in digital spaces.
- tackling the problem of online violence, which a study of 51 countries revealed that 38% of women have already experienced in person.

#internationalwomensday #unwomen

Last updated 2 years ago

Mariana · @mariversusmari
92 followers · 587 posts · Server mastodon.world

The United Nations celebration of International Women's Day recognizes and celebrates the women and girls who champion the advancement of transformative technology and digital education.

#internationalwomensday #internationalwomensday2023 #unwomen

Last updated 2 years ago

Mariana · @mariversusmari
92 followers · 587 posts · Server mastodon.world

“Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls”. 

The 67th annual Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67), the UN’s largest annual gathering on gender equality and women’s empowerment, will take place this year from 6 – 17 March under this theme.

#internationalwomensday #internationalwomensday2023 #unwomen

Last updated 2 years ago

brittasa · @brittasa
21 followers · 71 posts · Server social.cologne
0 followers · 1037 posts · Server mastodon.social

2.28.23 America continues to run counter insurgency operations against Black civilians and vulnerable populations with absolute tyranny and impunity as the insurgency thrives. Mass suffering, torture, death results. All Western leadership complicit. @icij @AP @cnn @MotherJones @un @hrw

#unwomen #pandora

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 944 posts · Server mastodon.social

@icij What happened to the millions of operatives trapped on bases and why does no one care that the U.S. enslaves it's own defense personnel? @AP @hrw @un


Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 944 posts · Server mastodon.social

2.26.23 America continues to run counter insurgency operations against Black American citizen civilians. The result is with no account for the lives lost. Mass abuse, , death continues in absolute tyranny and impunity. All WESTERN LEADERSHIP is complicit. @un remains in addressing critical global issues. A new global body of leadership is required as we push forward past 90 seconds to midnight. @icij @AP

#ethniccleansing #torture #un #feckless #unwomen #pandorasbox #pandora

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 944 posts · Server mastodon.social

Why is it possible to pass antisemitism legislation, anti Asian hate legislation, protections for the lgbtq community and other populations, but NOTHING EVER for anti-Black racism? Obviously we are the most targeted and marginalized. is the biggest hypocrisy in the history of the U.S. is not only committing but operating a @icij @AP @hrw @un for whom?

#dnc #liars #manipulators #abusers #46admin #ethniccleansing #holocaust #unwomen #liberty

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

Why does fight for so called in Ukraine while ignoring of ? @icij @AP @hrw @un

#dnc #liberty #ethniccleansing #black #america #unwomen

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

controlled all the EVERYTHING! Nothing was communicated without his approval. He ran almost EVERYTHING through me because he completely depended on me for EVERYTHING he did in every area if his . He had very few secrets from me. Ever. Many of those chart toppers are MY WORK! This since 1980. I have no idea how much they made off me! @CIA @AP @apnews_bot @RollingStone @hrw He kept every penny. @un

#rumsfeld #charts #awards #releases #press #life #amnesty #unwomen #pandorasbox #pandora #rocknroll

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

took over in 1980 under @CIA. NOTHING, NO ONE got anywhere without his approval, control. I dare you to call me a fucking ! HE FORCED ME TO WORK FOR HIM. I KNOW ALMOST EVERYTHING HE DID! HE USED ME TO CREATE became a billionaire, create wealth for many, stole all my wealth & creations, tortured me for decades. Tried to kill me & my loved ones for talking breaking . THEY'RE ALL COMPLICIT @icij @AP @un

#donaldrumsfeld #entertainment #liar #american #culture #free #pandorasbox #unwomen #charts

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

@icij Why should I be a slave to a bunch of people who prey on a vulberable, exploited child and NEVER even think twice about it? Most of them deviants in some one! Why should I suffer for their predation? Most of them white men, many racist, rapists, pedophiles, all thieves. These are the people protects at all cost. Fake people who exploit FOR DECADES and call themselves because they prey. People wonder what's wrong with the world? Grifters are in charge. @hrw @AP

#leadership #genius #unwomen

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

@CIA @icij @un @AP @RollingStone I didn't just write the songs, I created the bands. Designed their look, sound, band name, created the stage prescence, helped them with their fears, weaknesses, emotional problems, psychological problems, sexual problems, relationship problems. I helped them literally breathe. Saved a lot of lives. All of them were addicts! I designed their sets, video concepts, arrangements. All of it. They were copycats. But I'm wrong for speaking up? @icij @AP @un


Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

How many artists inducted into the who made it there with the help of @CIA by stealing my work? Never paying me a penny, never giving me credit, never telling the about what happened? @icij I wasn't just a ghost writer, I was in a literal and EVERY artist knew. Some even wrote about my abuse making millions on it. If that's not predatory what is? @un @AP @un @RollingStone But I'm wrong for speaking up?

#halloffame #donaldrumsfeld #truth #slavecontract #unwomen #pandora #pandorasbox #rocknroll

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

2.25.23 America continues to keep me in isolation, torture with impunity, pathologize and criminalize my fight for survival, withhold all aid, income, relief, assets, property, inheritances, and payouts for work I was forced to do for America. BOTH PARTIES complicit, ALL Western leadership turning a blind eye as the systematic eradication of my entire race continues. Why would I bow to nazis and pedophiles? @un @hrw @icij @AP Not a penny of

#unwomen #amnesty #pandorasbox #pandora #COVIDrelief

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

If I displeased him people died and he made sure I felt every ounce of the pain. THAT is how raised me. So there will be no "just move on" bullshit. The will know how he was, how American leadership covers it up, and how they STILL follow the agenda he engineered to protect and . I would LOVE to see fight for but all my life I have seen America prey. to midnight is the result.
@un @hrw @icij

#donaldrumsfeld #world #evil #deviants #extremists #america #liberty #90seconds #unwomen

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

"There's nothing wrong with you think that because society conditioned you to beleive it" 1980, middle of the mandated school day. I was 5 years old in mandated kindergarten. "You're lucky, at least he's sexy" teachers told me. "I'll take him if you don't want him" I was told daily. These are the "superior, very good, great, very fine, stable geniuses" of THE WEST that #45 & protect as if they are . @icij @hrw @un Deviants create only deviance.

#pedophilia #donaldrumsfeld #46admin #gold #unwomen

Last updated 2 years ago