Researching today for my actual job, the one that pays my bills.* Returning to the rich source that is the Voiceprint radio show episode on Women's Language and Literature from 1981.
I can't get over how this old #student #radio show took on the issue of #feminist editing, #nonbinary #pronouns, #intersectionality & #WomensWriting - not in exactly these terms, bc they didn't have this language yet.
*Sort of. It's contract, very part-time.
#student #radio #feminist #nonbinary #pronouns #intersectionality #womenswriting #uofalberta
From University of Alberta:
"Effective December 16, 2022, the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research will be waiving the graduate application fee for students applying from Iran. This fee waiver will be extended to all completed applications of students from Iran that are received between December 16, 2022 and the next international admissions deadline of March 1, 2023"
#GradAdmissions #UofAlberta #UniversityofAlberta #Iran #GraduateSchool
#graduateschool #iran #universityofalberta #uofalberta #gradadmissions