Look at these little cuties I made yesterday! Love the upcycling. Going to take some proper photos soon and put them up on Etsy. Or maybe just look at them a little longer...
#upcycledjewellery #prelovedreloved #upcycling
Awesome things I find in the charity shops #1
#crystals #crystalbeads #hematite #rosequartz #greenaventurine #aventurine #thriftshopfinds #charityshopfinds #upcycling #recyling #upcycledjewellery #etsyuk
#crystals #crystalbeads #hematite #rosequartz #greenaventurine #aventurine #thriftshopfinds #charityshopfinds #upcycling #recyling #upcycledjewellery #etsyuk
Reorganising after my latest jewellery binge! Lots of preloved necklaces & bracelets now deconstructed and waiting to be recreated into something for someone to love 💝 I'm thinking a different kind of bracelet, and maybe some pendulums... 🤔
#upcycledjewellery #upcycling #recycling #crystals #sodalite #rosequartz #bluechalcedony #freshwaterpearls #seaglass #crafts #etsy #pendulum #bracelet
#upcycledjewellery #upcycling #recycling #crystals #sodalite #rosequartz #bluechalcedony #freshwaterpearls #seaglass #crafts #etsy #pendulum #bracelet