Stories and Folklore · @wihtlore
3047 followers · 2408 posts · Server

Experience: Meeting the Ædwynna (A Thread)

As the man ventured into the woods on that peaceful spring day, he found himself immersed in the symphony of nature. The vibrant melodies of the birds intertwined with the gentle hum of insects, and the sweet scent of bluebells filled the air, casting a serene spell upon the surroundings.

Lost in the tranquillity of the moment, the man walked deeper into the heart of the woods until, unexpectedly, an unusual stillness fell upon the forest. The chorus of nature fell silent, and a hushed anticipation filled the atmosphere. It was as if the very essence of the woods was holding its breath.

With a sudden jolt, the man's attention was drawn to a figure emerging from the ethereal mist. Standing before him was a deity, radiating an ancient power that resonated with the earth itself. The deity spoke her name: Ædwynna, a testament to the rich history of the land.

Ædwynna revealed herself as the local goddess of the woods and the sacred springs, a guardian who protected the very area they stood upon. Her presence exuded wisdom and grace, and a sense of deep connection to the natural world.

In this mystical encounter, the man felt his heart race, and a mixture of awe and reverence coursed through his veins. The deity's voice, like the whispering wind through the trees, reached his ears, imparting profound knowledge.



#unverifiedpersonalgnosis #goddess #pagan #paganism #folklore #storytelling #anglosaxon #upg

Last updated 1 year ago

Cat C-B · @megmuttonhead
83 followers · 563 posts · Server


Talking with another recently, on discernment of Spirit vs our own ego talking, I mentioned , and her book, A Guide to Faithfulness Groups.

Given the interest among groups in discerning the value of or , such groups would be useful there, too.

(One caveat: Martin’s work is very Christian. Spiritual refugees should take care.)

#upg #unverifiablepersonalgnosis #pagan #marcellemartin #quakerauthor #quaker

Last updated 2 years ago

Boduos · @N3m0
164 followers · 1089 posts · Server
Jakub Synowiec · @jaqbsy
26 followers · 60 posts · Server

I played with and CLI, and together with what I see on social sites, it makes me concerned, that too many products will be built using only or mainly such tools without sufficient understanding or knowledge. I have seen people boasting they built (generated?) whole solutions without knowing anything about software engineering or coding. Are they going to solve real-life scenarios by adding "and make it resilient, scalable, and secure" to the prompt?

#machineassisted #gpt #upg #chatgpt

Last updated 2 years ago

Plumf · @Plumf
81 followers · 1224 posts · Server

Les gesticulations normandes :
Université Populaire Gesticulante de Rouen organise leur dernière conférence gesticulée de la saison 2018/2019

Consacré à "Une autre histoire de l'animation"

Rdv à la MJC Rive Gauche, le vendredi 24 Mai à 20h00
Entrée à prix libre

#conferencegesticulée #conférence #animation #rouen #culture #upg #educationpopulaire #mjcrivegauche #plumfnews

Last updated 6 years ago