2 nights in a row I've been up till 2 am playing Nobody Saves the World. This is going to be a bad habit.
#steam #NobodySavesTheWorld #uplate
#forwardprize #poem #nicklaird #uplate
It being the transition, the change of state, the fall of light...
#forwardprize #poem #nicklaird #uplate
It's a dad thing to stay up late when your college freshman son is home for the weekend but he's hardly home at all. (Work then Girlfriend etc)
And your other kid, the recent college graduate (is now back home) but she works in Sports Television and has to cover west coast games...you especially wait up for her.
* 3am NJ time. Everyone can finally call it a night. 🥱
#family #kids #work #life #college #hockey #NHLnetwork #busy #sleep #deprived #uplate #sleeplate
#family #kids #work #life #college #hockey #nhlnetwork #busy #sleep #deprived #uplate #sleeplate
Thank GOD for coffee. ☕ 💕
#uplate #workinglate #caffeine #coffeeislifefuel
#uplate #workinglate #caffeine #coffeeislifefuel