📷 Vicky, on the roof of the loft on Clara Street, 1992.
#Portrait #BlackAndWhite #Monotone #Friend #UpOnTheRoof #90s #SanFrancisco #SouthOfMarket
#southofmarket #sanfrancisco #90s #upontheroof #friend #monotone #BlackAndWhite #Portrait
My a cappella quartet has been on a bit of a hiatus lately as we sort out a mini membership crisis, but we're back at it and have started to build up some wonderful forward momentum. Here's a little video we recorded at out last rehearsal: https://youtu.be/VldzeMwCmds
#acappella #singing #AcappellaQuartet #QuartetSinging #UpOnTheRoof
#acappella #singing #acappellaquartet #quartetsinging #upontheroof