Amazing lunar #AtmosphericOptics caught on our #GMN #MeteorCameras + all sky camera last night!! Extremely bright #Paraselenae (#moondogs) + #ParaselenicCircle fragments, #UpperTangentArc #22DegreeHalo & #CircumzenithalArc #LunarAtmosphericOptics #Moon #GibbousMoon
#atmosphericoptics #gmn #meteorcameras #paraselenae #moondogs #paraseleniccircle #uppertangentarc #22degreehalo #circumzenithalarc #lunaratmosphericoptics #moon #gibbousmoon
#UpperTangentArc (with aircraft flying through it!) Photos taken on 8th April 2023 from Oxfordshire, UK. UTAs are caused by refraction of sunlight through ice crystals #AtmosphericOptics #OpticalEffects
#uppertangentarc #atmosphericoptics #opticaleffects
Right side #parhelion / #sundog + unusually colourful #UpperTangentArc 17:32 BST 27/03/23. Colour separation revealed more of the tangent arc "winged" shape. Taken from Oxfordshire, UK with a Fairphone 4 phone camera #AtmsophericOptics
#parhelion #sundog #uppertangentarc #atmsophericoptics
Three years ago today - not the rarest display I've witnessed, but one of the prettiest. Ice crystals scattering light.
#CircumzenithalArc, #SupralateralArc, #ParryArc, #UpperTangentArc, 22 degree #Halo , Parhelic circle (part of one), and Sundogs, or #Parhelia.
#circumzenithalarc #supralateralarc #parryarc #uppertangentarc #halo #parhelia #atoptics