NYT Architecture : Don’t Hate the Influencer Who Loves Her Big, Cheap Apartment. Wouldn’t You? https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/28/realestate/renters-upper-west-side.html #RealEstateandHousing(Residential) #RentingandLeasing(RealEstate) #InteriorDesignandFurnishings #ContentType:PersonalProfile #UpperWestSide(Manhattan,NY) #ContentType:Service #Architecture #SocialMedia #NewYorkCity
#realestateandhousing #rentingandleasing #interiordesignandfurnishings #contenttype #upperwestside #architecture #socialmedia #newyorkcity
TheOnion: New MTA Train Operator Ends Up Lost On Back-Road Tracks In Middle Of Nowhere https://www.theonion.com/new-mta-train-operator-ends-up-lost-on-back-road-tracks-1850752401?utm_source=regular #hospitalityrecreation #42ndstreetshuttle #72ndstreetstation #63rdstreetlines #upperwestside #salmazzara #mazzara
#hospitalityrecreation #42ndstreetshuttle #72ndstreetstation #63rdstreetlines #upperwestside #salmazzara #mazzara
Didn't need all those extra stairs at the Franz Sigel Monument.
#CarBrain #FranzSigel
#upperwestside #franzsigel #carbrain #absurdity #ourtaxesatwork #westsiderag
For Sale
#ThrowBackThursday #SchwarzWeiss #SchwarzWeiß #monochrome #BlackAndWhite #photography #fotografie #StreetPhotography #UrbanPhotography #NYC #UpperWestSide #UWS #Bicycle
#Bicycle #uws #upperwestside #nyc #urbanphotography #StreetPhotography #fotografie #Photography #BlackAndWhite #monochrome #schwarzweiß #schwarzweiss #ThrowBackThursday
Planted a bunch of mint amongst the rip rap at 104 on #CherryWalk on the #upperwestside . #Mint is an amazing spreader. Curious how it will look at end of summer.
#mint #upperwestside #cherrywalk
Something’s gotta give #NYC
#NYPD bullying old men trying to #bike at the crack of dawn:
Sensationalist headlines on the perils of electric #micromobility
You’ve got a better chance getting a ticket for running a red light on a bike than in a car in the #UpperWestSide of #Manhattan (e.g., streetsblog story)… sure there are less of you, and Newton-knows you’re less likely to KILL someone, but NYPD sure can catch-ya.
#manhattan #upperwestside #micromobilitynyc #bikenyc #micromobility #bike #nypd #nyc
#NYC #Manhattan #UpperWestSide #UWS #riversidepark #hudsonriver #rain #meermittwoch #Photography #fotografie
#fotografie #Photography #meermittwoch #rain #hudsonriver #riversidepark #uws #upperwestside #manhattan #nyc
A what is it called? I'll be asking people at the Riverside Parks Conservancy who obviously put these things here because trucks kept going around the barricades. Now only a RPC gator can get through or a pedestrian, a jogger or a bicyclist.
#upperwestside #riversidepark #riversideparkny #riversideparkconservancy
We are in the middle of a climate crisis and people on the #UpperWestSide of #Manhattan are going nuts about Lennys Bagels closing. I don't get it. Priorities people! The Daily News today gripiing about a sub 10% ConEd price hike as if there are other alternatives than not electrifying. Fuck the Daily News.
#ClimateCrisis #lennysbagels #dailynews #manhattan #upperwestside
Fire Plug
#SchwarzWeiss #SchwarzWeiß #monochrome #BlackAndWhite #photography #fotografie #StreetPhotography #UrbanPhotography #NYC #upperwestside #riversidepark
#riversidepark #upperwestside #nyc #urbanphotography #StreetPhotography #fotografie #Photography #BlackAndWhite #monochrome #schwarzweiß #schwarzweiss
A rare outing in the West Side!
#upperwestside #uws #newyork #nyc
#nyc #newyork #uws #upperwestside
#bricedailyphoto #sugarplum #saskatoon #juneberry #sarvisberry #serviceberry #shadblow #shadwood #shadbush #amelanchier #upperwestside #manhattan #newyorkcity #hudsonriver #rickiefowler
#bricedailyphoto #sugarplum #saskatoon #juneberry #sarvisberry #serviceberry #shadblow #shadwood #shadbush #amelanchier #upperwestside #manhattan #newyorkcity #hudsonriver #rickiefowler
#bricedailyphoto #sugarplum #saskatoon #juneberry #sarvisberry #serviceberry #shadblow #shadwood #shadbush #amelanchier #upperwestside #manhattan #newyorkcity #hudsonriver #rickiefowler
New Yorker: The Upper West Side Cult That Hid in Plain Sight https://www.newyorker.com/books/under-review/the-upper-west-side-cult-that-hid-in-plain-sight #NewYorker #Books/UnderReview #Psychoanalysis #UpperWestSide #Communes #Family #Cults
#newyorker #books #psychoanalysis #upperwestside #communes #family #cults
From Instagram.
Just some rubber ducks in a pothole on Riverside drive. Copying an idea from the UK.
#rain #RubberDucky #highvis #trafficcones #upperwestside #riversidedrive #Potholes
@Alon @dmoser Where I live the car traffic is distinctly not heavy. Very few cars on Riverside Drive except at rush hour. Very few cars on side streets. Most side streets on the #UpperWestSide could be made into 5mph zones where cars were guests. Where Riverside Drive is two car lanes each direction it would be fine with one car lane each direction and it would be more consistent for the cars.
Yummy food at Japan Festival NYC https://www.alojapan.com/822425/yummy-food-at-japan-festival-nyc/
#shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #japanparade #parade #japan #japanese #japaneseculture #nyc #upperwestside #uws #festival #japanfestival #food #foodie #foodlover
#food #japanstreetfood #japanesefood #japanesestreetfood #nyc #parks #streetfood #tokyostreetfood #trails
#shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #japanparade #parade #japan #japanese #japaneseculture #nyc #upperwestside #uws #festival #japanfestival #food #foodie #foodlover #japanstreetfood #japanesefood #japanesestreetfood #parks #streetfood #tokyostreetfood #trails
NYT Architecture : A Classic New York Building Celebrates Its 101st Birthday https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/18/nyregion/rosario-candela-architect-manhattan.html #UpperWestSide(Manhattan,NY) #internal-storyline-no #Hawks(Birds) #Architecture #Cooperatives #NewYorkCity #Birds
#upperwestside #internal #hawks #architecture #cooperatives #newyorkcity #birds
New Yorker: Café Luxembourg and the Art of the Restaurant That Never Changes https://www.newyorker.com/culture/annals-of-gastronomy/cafe-luxembourg-and-the-art-of-the-restaurant-that-never-changes #NewYorker #Culture/AnnalsofGastronomy #UpperWestSide #CafeSociety #TheEighties #Restaurants #NewYorkCity #Dining #Food
#newyorker #Culture #upperwestside #cafesociety #theeighties #restaurants #newyorkcity #dining #food