The standing committee on health and family welfare believes that a post-COVID mental health survey is crucial and India should expedite the NMHS-2, which is scheduled to be completed in 2025
#MentalHealth #Phone #UPSC #JEE #NEET #ParliamentaryPanelUrgesGovt
#mentalhealth #phone #upsc #jee #neet #parliamentarypanelurgesgovt
#UPSC CAPF Exam 2022 interview schedule has been released #press
More than 14,600 candidates have qualified the 2023 civil services preliminary examination, the results of which were declared on June 12 by the Union Public Service Commission (#UPSC).
#UPSC Civil Services Prelims Result 2023 released for the candidates who have qualified for the Indian Forest Service ( Main ) Examination 2023 #press
#UPSC Civil Services Prelims Result 2023 has been declared #press
#UPSC Prelims Result 2023 will be available on the official site of UPSC #press
#WATCH | Simran Bala from Rajouri district of #JammuAndKashmir secures AIR 82 in #UPSC CAPF examination. She is the only girl from J&K to crack this examination, this year
(ANI) #press
#watch #jammuandkashmir #upsc #press
#UPSC Recruitment 2023: Apply for Assistant Surgeon and other posts #press
#ItsViral | A picture of a CSAT question asked in #UPSC CSE 2023 Prelims is going viral online. Can you solve it? #press
#Haryana CM #ManoharLalKhattar felicitates candidates of the state who cleared the Union Public Service Commission (#UPSC) examination 2022. #press
#haryana #manoharlalkhattar #upsc #press
#ItsViral | A picture of a CSAT question asked in #UPSC CSE 2023 Prelims is going viral online. Can you solve it? #press
#UPSC CMS Final Result 2022 has been released #press
#UPSC IES/ISS Exam 2023 time table has been released. #press
Just In | Due to the situation in #Manipur, #UPSC has decided to offer alternate centres to the candidates of the Imphal (Manipur) Centre of the Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer and Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner Examination, 2023, to be held July 2, 2023. | @vijaita #press
Here are some of the main findings of an analysis by the government of the 20 candidates who topped the #UPSC Civil Services Examination 2022, whose results were published on May 23.
(Saptarishi Das reports)
Read more- #press
60% of #CivilServicesExamination top-20 are women, 25% from UP
Top 20 of #CSE this year includes 9 engineers, 1 med professional
#civilservicesexamination #cse #upsc #upsc2022 #press
Taking a firm stance against two candidates who took the Civil Services Exam 2022 and recently made false claims in media that they had been recommended to all-India services on basis of the exam, the UPSC on Friday said it was contemplating criminal and disciplinary action against both after its probe found them to have forged their documents to buttress their claims.
#Ayasha #Ayasha #Achievers #UPSC
'#Manipur #UPSC candidates can sit for exams in #Aizawl'
Mizoram information and public relations minister Lalruatkima on Friday announced that arrangements have been made in Aizawl to accommodate candidates, belonging to internally displaced people from Manipur… #press