Ich lasse gerade #Upscayl über ein Bild laufen - aus 4032x3024px sollen 16128x12096px werden. Es ist schon faszinierend wieviel Strom das verbraucht. Mein Notebook ist keine Rakete... ein AMD Ryzen der 4000er Serie und 8 GB RAM. Die Akku-Kapazität hat sich innerhalb von 15 Minuten, die das Programm nun rechnet von knapp 90% auf 75% verringert. Und es sind erst 60% des AI-Photos errechnet. Wahnsinn - AI ist ein mega Stromverbraucher! #selbstversuch #ai #image #photo #upscaling #ki
#upscayl #selbstversuch #ai #image #photo #upscaling #ki
Finally getting somewhere. I'm at the point of #upscaling in #aiart #anime #police project, and the results are pretty stellar. Put extra emphasis on world ambiance, will fiddle with more.
Also just to note, #diffusion models on M1 #Apple computers are FASTER than #AMD right now. Just need to have the RAM.
#upscaling #aiart #anime #police #diffusion #apple #amd
#upscaling8k #8kvideo #8k #upscaling #massage #グラビア #マッサージ #小野真弓
Found that #upscaling solutions I have installed are no good at all making too small text readable. Which might be by design: lots of fishy applications for such an enhance button, but they are also quite bad at any patterns on grid, like weaving, embroidery and such.
Unlike text, those I can clearly discern and trace by hand if I put an effort to it, but guess what, I need those algorithms to spare me said effort, and that's a lot of strain for the eyes too.
Maybe I'll train one after all.
RT @inn_pressme: Join us for the 2nd webinar on the INN-PRESSME Open Call!
🗓️ 27 April
⏰10:00-11:30 CET
Get to know more about our #OITB, #PilotLines, #Services & #Benefits for your company.
Next #OpenCall starts 02 May!
#Biomaterials #UpScaling #Innovations #SME https://t.co/iUobN4CYqz
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_HaDEA/status/1651198668903444481
#OITB #PilotLines #services #benefits #OpenCall #biomaterials #upscaling #innovations #SME
【8k】葉月あや Aya Hazuki #upscaling8k #8kvideo #8k #upscaling https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1709953/gravure-idols/
#8k #8kvideo #upscalig8k #upscaling #グラドル #グラビア #グラビアアイドル #三浦はづき #葉月あや
#upscaling8k #8kvideo #8k #upscaling #upscalig8k #グラドル #グラビア #グラビアアイドル #三浦はづき #葉月あや
【upscaling 8k】園都 Miyako Sono #8kvideo #upscaling8k #upscaling https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1697495/gravure-idols/
#8kvideo #upscaling8k #upscaling #miyako #sono #アイドル #グラビア #グラビアアイドル #園都
Make time 🕦 for our #GDC23 temporal #upscaling session, covering:
⏫ Core concepts
⏫ How we implemented and evolved #FSR2 to work well in real games
⏫ An early look at where #FSR is going next 🕵️
Pack your very best motion vectors and join us! 👇
🇬🇧 I have just discovered Upscayl, a totally free and opensource #photo #upscaling #software that is even better than many paid ones!
🇮🇹 Ho appena scoperto Upscayl, un #software di #upscaling fotografico totalmente gratuito e #opensource che è addirittura migliore di tanti blasonati software a pagamento!
#photo #upscaling #software #opensource
RT @WSL_RemoteSens
📢Interested in the exciting job ad below? Then apply and join our group! 🌲🌳🛰️
#UAV #upscaling
#forest #remotesensing
#postdocposition https://twitter.com/WSL_research/status/1629042905879912448
#uav #upscaling #forest #remotesensing #postdocposition
Recently I've been using upscayl to upscale images with ai. Just wondering if there is something similar that could be run in a terminal or tty on a headless "SBC" like a raspberry or orange pi :?
#upscaling #aiupscaling #images #singleboardcomputers #sbc
Microsoft is bringing AI video upscaling to the Edge browser to make 480p video look better. Available now in the Edge Canary channel, NVIDIA RTX 20 series or AMD RX5700 or better GPU required. https://www.microsoftedgeinsider.com/en-us/whats-new
#WebBrowsers #MicrosoftEdge #VideoUpscaling #Upscaling #AIUpscaling
#webbrowsers #microsoftedge #videoupscaling #upscaling #aiupscaling
RT @Barnacules
Now this is freaking cool if you have an Nvidia RTX 30xx+ graphic card & use Chromium based web browser 🤩 #YouTube #Upscaling #drivers https://www.theverge.com/2023/2/28/23618245/nvidia-rtx-video-super-resolution-upscale-videos-rtx-gpu
Today on the blog
A review of a real game changer
#plugin #review #sharpening #upscaling #topazlabs #lightroom #noisereduction
#topazphotoai #plugin #review #sharpening #upscaling #topazlabs #lightroom #noisereduction
📬 Switch Emulator Yuzu zündet den Turbo und bietet 8x-Upscaling
#Gaming #GeForceRTX4090 #NintendoSwitch #RX6950XT #ShaderCaching #SwitchEmulator #Upscaling #Yuzu https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/gaming/switch-emulator-yuzu-zuendet-den-turbo-und-bietet-8x-upscaling-265375.html
#yuzu #upscaling #switchemulator #shadercaching #rx6950xt #nintendoswitch #GeForceRTX4090 #gaming
#Chrome and Edge Browsers to Get #Nvidia RTX AI Video #Upscaling
This feature is NOT enabled by default; you must turn it on in the Nvidia Control Panel.
Don't say I don't listen to comments... here's a rad upscaling pipeline to get your AI art (or other art) high res enough for clean printing! https://youtu.be/KlZM6aTtL1o
#aiart #ai #aiartist #midjourney #stablediffusion #upscaling #print #chainner #remacri
#aiart #ai #aiartist #midjourney #stablediffusion #upscaling #print #chainner #remacri
This is how the #SpaceShuttle landed after being in #Space (#4K #Upscaling)
#NASA #TheSpaceShuttle #Shuttle #Spaceflight #Discovery #Endeavour #SpaceShuttleEndeavour #SpaceShuttleDiscovery #ShuttleLanding
#shuttlelanding #SpaceShuttleDiscovery #spaceshuttleendeavour #endeavour #discovery #spaceflight #shuttle #thespaceshuttle #nasa #upscaling #4k #space #spaceshuttle
How you know your local pizzeria is owned by #Illuminati
#illuminati #ai #stablediffusion #upscaling
Experimenting with a new AI upscale model.
The top image is a frame from an old 320 x 240 pixel video where me and my wife are ready to go to a Gothic-Industrial party in Amsterdam.
The bottom image is the AI-upscaled result (only slightly manually retouched). I'm pretty impressed.
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #ML #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #upscaling #upscaled #scaling #SuperResolution #photo #video
#video #photo #superresolution #scaling #upscaled #upscaling #deeplearning #machinelearning #ml #artificialintelligence #ai