#UnitedStates approves #chicken made from cultivated cells, the nation's first 'lab-grown' meat
The Agriculture Department gave the green light to #UpsideFoods and #GoodMeat, which had been racing to be the first in the U.S. to sell meat that doesn't come from slaughtered animals.
#FoodScience #LabGrownMeat
#unitedstates #chicken #upsidefoods #goodmeat #foodscience #labgrownmeat
Guten Morgen! ☕
Wir wissen zwar nicht, was so auf eurer Speisekarte steht, aber haben jetzt zumindest eine mögliche Vorstellung davon, was dort in Zukunft zu finden sein könnte.
Via @tagesschau
Na dann...Guten Appetit!
#ParteiKlima #UpsideFoods #GoodMeat #Laborfleisch #Ernährung #Lebensmittel #InVitroFleisch
Wäre In-Vitro-Fleisch denn was für euch?
#PARTEIKlima #upsidefoods #goodmeat #Laborfleisch #ernahrung #Lebensmittel #inVitroFleisch
USA genehmigen Verkauf von Labor-Fleisch
Künftig darf in den Vereinigten Staaten Fleisch verkauft werden, dass aus Zellkulturen gezüchtet wurde. Nach Singapur sind die USA damit weltweit das zweite Land, in dem Labor-Fleisch verkauft werden darf.
#UpsideFoods #GoodMeat #Laborfleisch #Ernährung #Lebensmittel
#upsidefoods #goodmeat #laborfleisch #ernahrung #lebensmittel
In arrivo la carne coltivata sulle nostre tavole. Carne coltivata: la decisione della FDA come influenzerà il mercato europeo e mondiale? Il sistema delle regole e dei controlli, così come le abitudini e la cultura alimentare, sono assai diversi tra Stati Uniti ed Europa.
#carne #carnecoltivata #Dna #EatJust #FDA #foiegras #Gourmey #MosaMeat #NovelFood #ogm #UpsideFoods
#carne #carnecoltivata #dna #eatjust #fda #foiegras #gourmey #mosameat #novelfood #ogm #upsidefoods
"Upside Foods, which was formerly known as Memphis Meats, harvests cells from animal tissues and then grows edible flesh in bioreactors. The company said the flesh grown is identical to conventionally-raised meat.
It will still take some months before #LabGrownMeat floods #American #supermarkets – each product will have to be approved by regulators and #UpsideFoods still has to get the acquiescence of the #USDA for its venture." 1/2
#usda #upsidefoods #supermarkets #american #LabGrownMeat