C. · @cazabon
107 followers · 1755 posts · Server mindly.social


I would hope that this would shake out naturally. The over-sensitive block off any instance that isn't run to their tightly-wound standards. Users of those instances who want a more open experience sign up with, or move to, other instances...

The problem, of course, is the people who are on, or who sign up with, the uptight instances and don't know there's anything different out there.

#Fediverse #uptight #sensitive

Last updated 1 year ago

C. · @cazabon
109 followers · 1603 posts · Server mindly.social

After approximately one year of , my extremely is on the warpath again. Today she yelled at me that there are 24 - she counted! - living in the green space behind our yards, and that over the winter they ate half her bushes, and it's my fault because I like .

I don't quite follow the logic - the green space is flood-control and runs west to farmers' fields - but clearly I have been a Neighbour.

And you definitely can't count all the jacks.

#detente #uptight #neighbour #jackrabbits #rabbits #bad

Last updated 1 year ago

Steve · @Thompson
93 followers · 2153 posts · Server newsie.social

Is it just me, or have a lot of our Republican friends lost their sense of humor?

One of the healthiest signs of good humor is being able to laugh at yourself. An unhealthy sign is only being able to laugh at others, especially mocking persons having misfortune. That's what bullies and thugs do. It's never really funny because it's not rooted in good humor but in poor character.

Pay attention to what others laugh and don't laugh at. It will often reveal more than they want to reveal.


Last updated 2 years ago

Medemblik Praat · @medemblikpraat
18 followers · 1282 posts · Server mastodon.nl

Swingende én ingetogen soul- en gospelmuziek, live op het podium door de 18-koppige BiG GiG en 42 leden tellende Soul- & Gospelkoor UpTight, onder leiding van Martijn Bos.

Nu op Medemblik praat: 'BiG GiG & UpTight, Soul & Gospel'

Lees verder op: medemblikpraat.nl/kalender/big

#uptight #twisk #theaterkerk #soul #hemels #gospel #biggig

Last updated 2 years ago

Jack Stephens · @jrcs3
9 followers · 64 posts · Server techhub.social

I work remotely and I"m not in the timezone as the mother ship. So we throw timezones around a lot.

So they will say that the Foo Meeting is at 11:00 CST. This time of year I have to restrain myself from asking if they mean CDT since it isn't winter anymore.

Daylight Savings Time vs Standard is literally my "literally".

It is wrong to say CST to refer to the current time in Madison (unless you are actually giving Denver time), but that is the way of the world.

#timezone #literally #uptight

Last updated 2 years ago

Wednesday 02/15 8pm, at The Bier Baron, The Washington Psychotronic Film Society presents Uptight (1968)! You should show up.

#filmsofpeculiarinterest #uptight #washingtondc #washingtonpsychotronicfilmsociety

Last updated 2 years ago

Mick Muffin · @pastwarranty
39 followers · 24 posts · Server dice.camp

I'm liking the vibe of Mastodon, but I'm not a fan of the term "Toot!"


Last updated 2 years ago